Videos | Optics and Photonics

Optics and Photonics Videos

Optics and Photonics Videos

FRAP Soluble GFP in a Living Cell

This video shows a FRAP (fluorescence recovery after photobleaching) soluble GFP (green fluorescent protein) in a living cell. The images were captured in real time using Andor’s MicroPoint system.

Recap of PI’s 2017 Open House Day

This video shows an overview of Physik Instrumente’s (PI) “Open House Day” in 2017 at Karlsruhe, Germany. Opened to adults as well as children, the event saw a footfall of nearly 3000 visitors who made use of this opportunity to find out about apprenticeships and job vacancies.

Release of Caged Calcium in Illuminated Cell

This video shows the release of caged calcium in Flou-4 (calcium dye) using Andor’s Mosaic along with a 405 nm high-power laser diode.

Innovative H-811 Hexapod System from PI

This video shows the operation of PI’s Hexapod systems. These systems are designed around six high-resolution actuators, which act on a common platform. Their parallel kinematics design means they work with higher dynamics and precision than independent axes built in series.

Overview of PILine Rotary Drive Principle

This video shows the advanced PILine Rotary Drive Principle. The PILine Rotary Drive Principle is applied in PILine® Ultrasonic Piezomotors, which are known for their compact drives and fast, self-locking features.

Andor Technology Insight Awards 2010

This video shows the Andor Insight Awards 2010 which rewards visually stunning and scientifically captivating spectra, images, movies and graphics captured by scientists using products and systems from Andor Technology.

PI’s Beamline Instrumentation for Micro Tomography

In this video, Physik Instrumente (PI)’s Beamline Instrumentation business development manager talks about the sample stage for micro-tomography application installed in the micro tomography experimental hutch of the P05 Beamline at PETRA III light source in Hamburg, Germany.

Photoactivation of GFP in Human Bone Osteosarcoma Cell

This video shows the photoactivation of GFP (green fluorescent protein) in multiple regions of interests in a human bone osteosarcoma cell using Andor’s FRAPPA.

Overview of Spectroscopy Solution Portfolio from Andor Technology

This video covers the comprehensive range of spectroscopy solutions offered by Andor Technology. These include scanning monochromator and microspectroscopy accessories, high-end CCD, GaAs, EMCCD and ICCD cameras as well as echelle and Czerny-Turner spectrographs.

Double Hexapod PKM System for Synchrotron X-ray Spectroscopy

In this video, Dr. Markus Simon, head of beamline instrumentation group at PI miCos, explains the structure and working of a special system set-up that for synchrotron X-ray spectroscopy. The system utilizes products from the field of hexapod technology and can be used to perform a range of tasks such as material testing.

Corporate Overview of Andor Technology

This video shows the corporate overview of Andor Technology. The company manufactures a variety of spectrographs, detectors, digital cameras, software and accessories for spectroscopy, microscopy, low-light imaging, X-ray and time-resolved applications.

Andor iXon Ultra Tutorial Series – Part 5

In this video, Colin Coates illustrates the incorporation of the new OptAcquire interface in Andor iXon Ultra EMCCD camera. Using this interface, the highly flexible iXon can be optimized for different application requirements with a single click.

PI Offers Piezo Flexure Nanopositioning Systems

This video shows the innovative PI Piezo Flexure Nanopositioning Systems with PICMA® Technology. These PZT Flexure Stages from PI are based on the highly reliable PICMA® actuators, which are installed in the Mars Rover.

OEM Solutions from Andor Technology

This video shows the tailored OEM solutions from Andor Technology. With years of academic and industrial experience, Andor's OEM experts specialize in developing new analytical device, or incorporating new functionality into an existing device.

Demonstration of PI’s Precision Products

In this video, Physik Instrumente (PI) showcases its wide range of precision products using a ballet dancer to move in accordance with the movements of instruments.

PI Offers Q-Motion® Miniature Linear Stage Q-522

This video offers a glimpse of the Q-522 Q-Motion® Miniature Linear Stage by Physik Instrumente(PI). Q-Motion® stages have very small dimensions and a high position resolution in the nanometer range.

Using a Linear Variable Bandpass Filter as a Visual Spectrometer

See how DELTA's Linear Variable Bandpass Filter is used as a Visual Spectrometer. The LVVISBP is placed on a diffusor screen that is illuminated by a controllable 3-color LED.

AvaSoft & Software Used with the Avantes Spectrometer

This video shows the installation of AvaSoft 8 software to the Avantes spectrometer.

Imaging EMCCD Cameras from Andor

This video shows the benefits and features of the imaging EMCCD cameras such as the Clara, iKon, Luca and iXon from Andor Technology.

How to Perform Irradiance Measurement Using the AvaSoft 8 Software with the Avantes Spectrometer

This video shows how to do the irradiance measurement using Avantes AvaSoft 8. The spectrometer is connected to the sphere with the supply fiber optic skipper.

Scientific CMOS from Andor Technology

This video shows the scientific CMOS (sCMOS) from Andor Technology. sCMOS is a low-light imaging technology based on a new generation of CMOS Image Sensor (CIS) design and process technology.

2022 Photonics West Interview: Measuring the XR Experience

In this booth interview with Laser Focus World, Eric Eisenberg—Optics Development Manager at Radiant Vision Systems—introduces Radiant's XRE Lens solution from the floor of Photonics West 2022 in San Francisco, CA.

Product Demo: Radiant’s Complete Solution for Automated Visual Inspection of Displays

Radiant Vision Systems provides leading display test solutions for labs and production lines, with thousands of cameras testing millions of devices worldwide.

How to Perform an Irradiance Calibration using the AvaSoft 8 Platform

This video shows easy calibration of irradiance using AvaSoft 8 software in Avantes Spectrometer. Latest version of the software should be installed in the computer.

PIglide Air Bearing Technology

This video shows the principle and advantages of air bearing stages. Air bearing stages replace mechanical contact by a thin air film, avoiding wear, friction, vibration, and hysteresis effects. PI's air bearing motion control and positioning products are inherently frictionless, enabling smooth, accurate motion.

Basics of PiezoMike Linear Actuators with PIShift Piezomotor

This video shows the operation of the PiezoMike Linear Actuators with PIShift Piezomotor. The linear screw-type actuator with PIShift piezo inertia drive is provided for high-resolution and stable positioning. It offers open-loop operation, minimum dimensions, high forces, and stable positioning.

Andor iXon Ultra Tutorial Series – Part 2

In this video, Colin Coates illustrates the installation of Andor iXon Ultra for maximizing the frame rate performance in EMCCD cameras.

Confocal Scanning and Optical Particle Manipulation with Optical Tweezers

This video shows the confocal scanning combined with optical particle manipulation and the multiple degrees of freedom offered by JPK's NanoTracker™ system.

Microscopic Anatomy of Living Human Neutrophil

This video from Prof. Maurice Hallett, Neutrophil Signalling Group, Medical School, Cardiff University, shows the microscopic anatomy of a living human neutrophil in a yeast cell. The membrane and the nucleus of the actively phagocytic neutrophil were stained with fluorescent markers.

PI Offers PInano® and PIFOC® Objective Sample Scanners for Microscopy

This video presents Physik Instrumente (PI)’s piezo-based PInano® sample and PIFOC® objective scanners developed for Super Resolution Microscopy, Confocal Microscopy, and Atomic Force Microscopy.

PI Showcases its Piezo Technology Products and Applications

This video shows PI’s Piezo Technology, which includes a range of piezoelectric actuators and piezoelectric sensor components for applications in industry and research.

In-Vivo Imaging Technique Reveals Inflammatory Cellular Dynamics in Obese Adipose Tissue

This video shows an in-vivo imaging technique which reveals the inflammatory cellular dynamics in obese adipose tissue.

Confocal z-stack Recording of Optical Tweezer from JPK

This video shows the recording of z-stack with optical trapping and manipulation of a polystyrene bead in JPK's NanoTracker™ optical tweezers system.

PI Piezo Motors Ensure Uniform Force While Pipetting with Small Devices

In this video, the working principle of pipette is shown through animation. Very small but fast drives are needed to pipette smaller and smaller devices and sample separations. At the same time, they must also generate adequate force to move the pipettes in the vertical direction and to dose the media.

Andor Revolution Laser Microscopy Systems

This video shows the high-performances laser microscopy systems from Andor Technology. The company has been setting standards for light measuring solutions for the last 20 years. It launched the Revolution products in 2005 for imaging live specimens. Andor Revolution provides solutions for a range of laser-microscopy systems, such as spinning disk confocal, TIRFM and activation and photobleach modalities (FRAPPA). The spinning disk confocal instrument combines the renowned Yokogawa CSU-X1 confocal scanner, Andor’s iXon EMCCD cameras and solid-state laser combiner (ALC).

PI Offers Complete Solutions for Photonics and Fiber Alignment Applications

This video shows PI Solutions developed for photonics alignment/fiber alignment. PI offers a range of solutions for photonics and fiber alignment applications. The systems provide multi-channel alignment and offer fast alignment times.

Andor iXon Ultra Tutorial Series – Part 3

In this video, Colin Coates illustrates how to utilize a ‘cropped sensor mode’ region of interest for maximizing the frame rate performance of Andor iXon Ultra EMCCD camera.

Geomagnetic Sub-Storm in Earth's Magnetic Field Lines

This video shows a geomagnetic sub-storm in the earth's magnetic field lines captured using an Andor Neo sCMOS camera. It provides a high resolution view of auroral magnetic field lines at 50 fps.

Clara Interline CCD Camera from Andor Technology

This video shows the Clara interline CCD camera from Andor Technology. The Clara has been designed to deliver the highest sensitivity interline CCD on the market.

PI Designed VeriMove Hexapod Software for Collision Testing

This video shows the utilization of the advanced PI VeriMove software. The PI VeriMove software is programmed to prevent collisions of moving and static parts. Limited space can cause difficulties for both positioning and motion systems.

The Cilas SLD500 Counter Sniper and Surveillance System

A quick demonstration of the Cilas SLD500 counter sniper and surveillance system.

Emission of Photons by Aequorin on Arabidopsis Thaliana

This video illustrates the emission of photons by aequorin reporter on Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. The images of the Ca2+ waves were acquired using Andor iXON D897 back-illuminated EMCCD camera.

Demonstration of Interferometry and Optical Coherence Tomography

This video shows the workings of optical coherence tomography (OCT). OCT makes it possible to inspect layers under the skin surface in a non-invasive manner and helps develop three-dimensional (3D) images of the skin structure.

STS Microspectrometers for OEM Applications from Ocean Optics

STS Microspectrometers from Ocean Optics are the smallest on the market and have been designed for OEM applications. They use CMOS detection technologies and pack spectrographic performance comparable to much larger instruments. They have a spectral range of 350-1100nm.

NKT Photonics Corporate Video

This video details the capabilities of NKT Photonics.

New Modern Visitor Center at PI

This video provides viewers a live experience of the positioning solutions available from PI (Physik Instrumente).

Benefits of White Light Confocal Microscopy

In this webinar, Dr. Mark Browne, Director of Systems Division with Andor, explains the full benefits of white-light, spinning disk confocal microscopy including high-resolution, cost-effective live-cell imaging, etc.

Andor EMCCDs for Spectroscopy

This video shows the advantages and features of the spectroscopy solutions, in particular the EMCCD cameras, from Andor Technology. The electron multiplying CCD technology opens the door to ultra-fast and ultra-sensitive spectroscopy.

Complete Solutions for Electronics Manufacturing from PI

In this video, Physik Instrumente (PI) showcases its complete solutions for electronics manufacturing.

ROSA Imaging System, Andor iXon Camera Reveal Sun’s Atmosphere

This video shows the turbulent and dynamic atmosphere of the sun. The images were acquired using an Andor iXon+ EMCCD camera and ROSA (rapid oscillations in the solar atmosphere) imaging system which is installed on the Dunn solar telescope.

Harnessing the Power of Light in Many New Ways

The photonics group has led the way in developing photonic crystal fibres, pioneered by Professor Philip Russell in 1991 and now a major new area within physics. These optical fibres are able to harness the power of light in many new ways, enhancing existing applications and leading to many new ones. The work is expected to have a major impact in many areas of engineering and technology, including light sources, optical telecommunications, ultra-violet light and x-ray generation, atomic and quantum physics and astronomical imaging.

Low Light Imaging Scientific Cameras from Andor Technology

This video shows the high-performances low-light imaging scientific cameras such as the UltraVac, EMCCD, iXon, Luca EMCCD, iKon CCD and i-Star ICCD from Andor Technology.

PI Piezomotors Now Available in Various Designs

This video offers a glimpse of the various commercially available piezomotors by Physik Instrumente (PI). Piezomotors come in various designs, which are optimized for different applications. Parameters such as speed, cost, holding force, pushing force, size, and stability can be influenced by different designs.

In Vivo Laser-Induced Thrombosis

This video shows the in vivo laser-induced thrombosis in the cremaster muscle of a mouse. The images of the platelet deposition and fibrin generation were captured using Andor’s real-time two color confocal microscopy.

Overview of PI’s LPS-65 Linear Piezo Stage

This video shows an animation clip of the LPS-65 Linear Piezo Stage by Physik Instrumente (PI). The LPS-65 is very compact and self-locking when switched off, thereby saving energy and reducing heat generation.

Overview of PI’s Automated Silicon Photonics Processes

This video highlights the automated solution developed for silicon photonic chip production. Physik Instrumente (PI) leads the world in nano-class motion systems and photonics alignment expertise, and has the required know-how to put it all together for high throughput and yield.

PI Offers Q-Motion® Inertia Drive

This video offers a glimpse of the Q-Motion® drive by Physik Instrumente (PI). Q-Motion® positioning systems close the gap which has not been covered by current drive technologies. The positioning system uses a piezo inertia drives that are space-saving and economical with relatively high holding forces and an almost unlimited travel range.

Burst-Train Femtosecond Laser Interaction with Glass Using ICCD Camera

This video shows the burst-train femtosecond laser pulses interaction with glass samples. The images were acquired using an Andor ICCD camera in real-time.

ABB’s PCS100 UPS-I Solves Power Quality Problems for Thomas & Betts

This video describes how ABB’s PCS100 industrial UPS (UPS-I) increases power protection for Thomas & Betts data centers located in Memphis, Tennessee. Thomas & Betts needed a long-term solution to manage power failures.

Narrow Precision Drives from PI for Adaptive Diaphragm Positioning

This video shows the workings of adaptive diaphragm positioning. The so-called multi-leaf collimators are applied in radiotherapy to accomplish an optimal distribution of the dose. This involves arranging individual leaves so that the healthy tissue has the best possible protection from the radiation.

Overview of Confocal Microscopy

This video shows the operation of confocal microscopy. Confocal microscopy is used in diagnostics in dermatology and ophthalmology, for instance, to create virtual sections via the tissue structure, or to detect the structure of the sample surface via the shift of the focal plane.

A Brief Demonstration of PIMag® Magnetic Direct Drives

This video shows the operation of the advanced PIMag® Magnetic Direct Drives. With regards to wear and dynamics, magnetic direct drives, In particular, offer benefits compared to common spindle-based technologies. As these drives use as few mechanical components as possible, there is less friction and backlash, and hence more precision.

Assessment of Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Ca2+ in Rat Cardiomyocyte

This video shows the assessment of spatial and temporal dynamics of Ca2+ in a rat cardiomyocyte. The images were captured every 38 ms using an Andor camera.

ABB’s PCS100 Medium Voltage UPS System for High-Powered Industry

This video explains the functioning of the PCS100 medium voltage UPS from ABB. This system is designed for any high-powered industry from large manufacturing plants to mega data centers. The PCS100 MV UPS provides reliable, clean and high-efficient power for seamless operation, and offers different energy storage options. It has multi megawatt ratings and meets customers’ power protection needs.

Mapping of Organization Territories Occupied By Genes in Cell Nucleus

This video shows the mapping of organization territories occupied by genes in the cell nucleus for statistical interpretation of gene map. The confocal image of the living cells with the labeled genes is captured using Andor iXon EMCCD camera.

Observing Extra-Solar Planets Using Andor Luca EMCCD Camera

This video which has been produced from data taken at Blackrock Castle Observatory, Cork, Ireland, shows the observation of extra-solar planets from the ground using Andor low-cost Luca EMCCD camera.

Force-Induced Rupture of RBCs Using Optical Tweezers from JPK Instruments

This video shows the rupture of red blood cell (RBC) using optical tweezers from JPK Instruments. A RBC is captured between two traps, 'Force Spectroscopy' mode of the NanoTracker optical tweezers are used to tear the cell into two parts.

The Silicon Photonics Vision

This video provides a brief explanation of where the silicon photonics technology is heading.

A Wide Range of Integrated Solutions from PI

This video shows the 10-axis setup from Physik Instrumente (PI) for testing user interfaces of mobile end devices. It demonstrates a broad range of prospects for precision automation. A linear motor in an XY stage guarantees quick low-wear positioning on a plane.

N-565 Piezo Motor Linear Positioner from PI

This video shows Physik Instrumente (PI)’s Nexact® piezo stepping drive with subnanometer precision. The N-565 linear positioner is more compact, achieves higher velocities, and has developing forces in the range of 10 to 20 N. A suitable selection of the piezo elements optimizes step size, clamping force, velocity, and stiffness for the respective applications.

PI Ceramic Uses New Spray Drying Tower for Material Preparation

The video offers a glimpse into the new spray drying tower at PI ceramic. The granulate happens to be the basic material for the piezo components made by pressing technology. Therefore, producing a compressible granulate is a crucial step in material preparation.

PI’s High-Precision Drives for Use in Refractive Eye Surgery

This video shows the High-Precision Drives from Physik Instrumente (PI). Refractive eye surgery requires rapid and high-precision laser beam steering systems. Piezo-based, two-axis tilting platforms allow for large deflection angles, compact size, and nanometer resolution.

Advanced PIMag® Gantry System

This video shows the advanced PIMag® Gantry System. Key Features of the PIMag® Gantry System include vertical axis with pneumatic counter weight, 508 mm x 508 mm travel range, ironless linear motors, direct measuring incremental linear encoders, and controlled by ACS Motion Control.

IBM Advances the Use of Light Instead of Wires for Chips

IBM researchers from the T.J. Watson Research Center reached a significant milestone in the quest to send information between the "brains" on a chip using pulses of light through silicon instead of electrical signals on copper wires.

Bitplane’s Imaris Infinity Solution

This video from Andor shows the Existing capabilities and new features that are added to the Imaris package by Bitplane.

Application of the Avantes Spectrometer for Fluorescence Measurement

This video explains how to do the fluorescence measurement using AvaSoft 8 software in Avantes Spectrometer. Latest version of the software should be installed in the computer.

Photoactivation of GFP in Fibroblast Cell

This Mosaic video shows the photoactivation of GFP (green fluorescent protein) in multiple regions of interests in a fibroblast cell.

Benchtop Digital Refractometer - The Kruess Optronic DR6000

We get a brief overview of the Kruess Optronic refractometers from Stefan Wegner. He then goes on to provide us with a demonstration of the DR6000 benchtop digital refractometer.

Measurement of Transmission using the AvaSoft 8 Software

This video explains how to do the transmission measurement using AvaSoft 8 software in Avantes Spectrometer. Latest version of the software should be installed in the computer.

Andor iXon Ultra Tutorial Series – Part 6

In this video, Colin Coates illustrates how to use the Count Convert on Andor iXon Ultra EMCCD camera. The Count Convert offers the ability to calibrate data in either photons or photo-electrons.

Benefits of Bitplane’s Imaris Software

This video illustrates the benefits of Imaris microscopy software from Bitplane. The Imaris allows visualization of original and derived data objects in real time in 3D and 4D.

Fast, Stable, and Accurate PI Positioning Equipment for Super-Resolution Microscopy and Imaging

This video shows the various precision motion products solutions offered by Physik instrumente (PI) for microscopy and imaging applications. Super-resolution microscopy and imaging requires extremely fast, stable, and accurate positioning equipment, for example, lens positioners and scanners, microscopy stages, fast nano-focus devices based on piezo, voice-coil, and linear motor technology.

Andor iXon Ultra EMCCD Camera Connections

In this video, Colin Coates, Product Manager at Andor Technology, introduces the new iXon Ultra EMCCD camera connections. The iXon Ultra is the most recent novelty in the EMCCD product family of Andor.

FRET-Based Detection of Mechanical Stress in Cytoskeletal Protein

This video shows the real time FRET-based detection of mechanical stress in a cytoskeletal protein using an Andor iXon EMCCD camera.

PI Offers Positioning and Microscopy Solutions

This video shows the various products and solutions offered by Physik Instrumente (PI). Product range includes nanopositioning, microscopy, astronomy, and piezo solutions.

PI Solutions for Research and Industrial Applications

In this video, PI showcases six-axes hexapod robots for applications in research and industry like motion simulation or automated positioning tasks.

Corporate Summary for Avantes

This video shows the corporate profile of Avantes. It is the leading company in fiber optic measurement and applications.

PI Displays Motion Centric Industrial Automation Solutions at Hannover Messe 2017

The video offers glimpses of the Hannover Messe 2017, one of the world's largest trade fairs dedicated for industrial technology.

Demonstration of DELTA's Linear Variable Filters at Photonics West 2012

DELTA's linear variable filters have been introduced in products such as spectrometers and wavelength selectors in super-continuum light sources.

Revolution DSD Laser-Free Confocal Microscopy from Andor Technology

This video shows the Revolution DSD laser-free confocal microscopy from Andor Technology. The Revolution DSD is ideal for live cell imaging or high throughput with fixed samples.

Andor iXon Ultra Tutorial Series – Part 8

In this video, Colin Coates, Product Manager at Andor Technology, illustrates the connections of the iXon Ultra EMCCD camera.

Operating Principle of PI Nanodispensers

This video shows the operating principle of Physik Instrumente (PI)’s Nanodispenser. The drives used for nanoliter or picoliter dosing devices must function with high-operating frequencies of up to several kHz and at the same time create the kinetic energy needed to produce minute droplets without subsequent nebulization, dripping, or satellite formation.

Microsurgical Ablation of Cell Membrane

This video shows a targeted microsurgical removal of cell membrane in a drosophila embryo. The image was captured in real time using Andor’s MicroPoint laser ablation system.

How to Use Absorbance Spectophotometry as A Qualitative Tool for Chemical Substance - By Ocean Optics

Absorbance Spectophotometry is a versatile technique that can be used as both a qualitative or quantitative tool for chemical substance measurement. This video demonstrate how to use absorbance spectrophotometry as a qualitative tool.

PI Offers Specially-Shaped Piezo Disks for Nebulizers

This video shows how homogenous aerosols are produced by means of specially-shaped piezo disks. A continuous drive is required by nebulizers to generate a homogenous aerosol.

PI Offers NEXLINE® PiezoWalk® Motors

This video shows the NEXLINE® PiezoWalk® motors, which offer high forces and nanometer precision motion with multiple operating modes. The multiple operating modes deliver optimized performance for speed, force, and holding force.

Demo of PI’s Direct Position Measurement

This video shows an animation of Direct Position Measurement from Physik Instrumente (PI), demonstrating how maximum accuracy can be achieved through direct metrology. When directly measuring positions using non-contact sensors, each change in position of the moving platform is directly captured by the controller relatively to the base body.

Formalin-Induced Fluorescence Ultramicroscopy

This video shows the image data from a mouse hippocampal CA1 region using the formalin-induced fluorescence ultramicroscopy and Andor cameras with EM-gain.

A Step by Step Guide to SpectraSuite Software for Spectrometer - by Ocean Optics

A tutorial by Ocean Optics demonstrating the basics to teh SpectraSuite software for use with spectrometer. This step by step video guide is very comprehensive for any level user on the use of the SpectraSuite software package.

Role of Simple Invertebrate Model Systems in Basic Research

This video shows how the simple invertebrate model systems, including the cricket, play a major role in basic research using Andor iXon EMCDD camera.

Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

This video from Andor discusses the basic principles of LIBS (laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy) to better understand the technique and the reasons behind its slower integration.

PI’s ACS Motion Control Solutions Showcased at Drives & Controls 2018

In this video, Physik Instrumente (PI) welcomes customers to visit its display at Drives & Controls 2018 – the Automation, Power Transmission, and Motion Engineering Event which will be held between April 10 and 12, 2018 at NEC Birmingham. The display will be at PI stand D-744.

PI’s Fast Multichannel Photonic Alignment Solutions

This video shows PI’s fast multichannel photonic alignment for silicon photonics. PI is able to offer precise solutions for fiber alignment from its range of precision positioning systems, keeping pace with new production and on-wafer test demands.

RBC Transportation Using Optical Tweezers from JPK instruments

This video shows the transportation of red blood cells (RBCs) using optical tweezers from JPK Instruments. A RBC is captured and manipulated using four time shared traps.

Modern Technology Center at PI

The video shows the construction and completion phase of the new modern PI Technology Center in Germany. Set amidst lush and sprawling grounds, the Technology Center boasts a 10,000 m² space for 200 workplaces, 900 m2 laboratory space, a showroom, a library, an auditorium to seat 200 people, a bistro, and a fitness studio.

PICMA-Walk V8 Piezo Linear Motor with Nanometer Precision

This video shows the advanced PICMA-Walk V8 Piezo Linear Motor from Physik Instrumente (PI) that is synonymous with power, reliability, and precision. The reliable and durable piezo stepping linear drive provides uniform feed, constant velocity to 15 mm/s, and 60 nm maximum holding force.

PI Animation on ‘Piezoelectric Effect’

This video shows the ‘Piezoelectric Effect’. The word "piezo" was derived from the Greek word for pressure. In 1880, Jacques and Pierre Curie discovered that pressure produces electrical charges in several crystals such as tourmaline and quartz; they named this phenomenon as the "piezoelectric effect".

PI’s Magnetic Linear Motors—Principle of Operation

This video is an animation of the principle behind PI’s magnetic linear motors. The magnetic linear motors correspond to a sequence of a number of voice-coil actuators; individual coils can be regulated according to a position-dependent, defined pattern (commutation).

Heavy-Duty Lifting and Rotating Platform from PI

The video shows a heavy-duty lifting and rotating platform designed by Physik Instrumente (PI) for test and qualification purposes. The platform has a capacity up to 10 tons load and includes free rotation by 360° degrees.

Presentation: Efficient and Durable Linear Variable Filters and Dichroics

DELTA Optical Thin Film R&D Manager Dr. Henrik Fabricius gives a presentation at OPTATEC 2012.

"Cloaking Device" Concept Moves Beyond Theory

A team led by scientists at Duke University's Pratt School of Engineering has demonstrated the first working "invisibility cloak." The cloak deflects microwave beams so they flow around a "hidden" object inside with little distortion, making it appear almost as if nothing were there at all.

Demonstration of Flow Measurement and Bubble Detection using PI Ultrasonic Sensors

This video shows the working principle of the advanced ultrasonic sensors from Physik Instrumente (PI). Developed for flow measurement and bubble detection, the PI ultrasonic sensors are maintenance-free and have high-operating frequencies of equal to several 100 kHz: An oscillating piezoelectric annular disk produces powerful, high-frequency ultrasonic oscillations.

PI’s NEXACT® Piezo Stepping Drive

This short video shows the compact NEXACT® Piezo Stepping Drive from Physik Instrumente (PI). The NEXACT® Piezo Stepping Drive from PI performs the stepping motion with bending elements. An ideal selection of the piezo elements enhances step size, velocity, clamping force, and stiffness for the respective requirements.

AvaSoft 8 Software and the Avantes Spectrometer to Perform a Reflection Measurement

This video explains how to do the fluorescence measurement using AvaSoft 8 software in Avantes Spectrometer. Latest version of the software should be installed in the computer.

Sensofar: 20 Year Anniversary

For the importance of brand recognition, Sensofar has reaffirmed their brand by updating the visual identity of their logo.

Using Minus K’s BM-4 Half Hz Isolator for Low Frequency Vibration Isolation

This video shows Erik Runge, Director of Engineering at Minus K Technology, describing Minus K’s advanced BM-4 Half Hz isolator. The isolator attenuates vibrations even at very low frequencies to provide high-quality performance.

Easy-to-Start Hexapod Controllers from PI

This video demonstrates how easy it is to start up the Hexapods by Physik Instrumente (PI). These six-axis parallel-kinematic positioning systems from PI are easier to operate and are also more compact and flexible than conventional serial 6-axis systems.

Pittcon 2012 - Not To Be Missed If You Are Involved with Testing, Measurent or Analysis

If you are involved with laboratory science in any way, be it testing analysis, procurement or even if you are looking for someone to provide testing services, Pittcon is a must attend event. It is the world's largest annual conference for laboratory science and will feature over 950 equipment manufacturers, distributors and service providers from 30 countries in 2012. The technical program will also include over 2000 sessions covering over 60 topics.

Laser-Induced Cell Wounding in Drosophila Embryo

This video shows the laser-induced cell wounding in a Drosophila embryo. The images were acquired in real time using Andor Technology’s MicroPoint Laser System.

Photoactivation in Discrete Regions of GAG-GFP for Particle Tracking

This video from Paul Spearman MD., at Emory shows the simultaneous photoactivation of the key HIV structural proteins (PA/Gag/GFP) for particle tracking in the nucleus and cell membrane boundary.

ABB’s PCS100 UPS-I System Provides Continuous Power, Eliminates Downtime

This video shows how ABB’s PCS100 UPS-I provides continuous power supply to eliminate production downtime. The PCS 100 UPS-I is a high efficiency, high performance UPS system that prevents power quality events and provides long lifetime energy storage.

Mode-Filtered Fiber Amplifier

Using coiled fibers to dramatically increase the power of fiber lasers has led to the fabrication of high-power, high-beam-quality lasers that are compact, rugged, and extremely efficient.

PI’s P-616 NanoCube® - Highly Compact Piezo System

This video shows the new, advanced P-616 NanoCube® from Physik Instrumente (PI). It is a highly compact piezo system that offers identical dynamics, velocity, and precision on all three motion axes with loads of up to 50 g.

Piezo Ceramic Materials and Components from PI Ceramic

This video shows the advanced piezo actuators from Physik Instrumente (PI). These instruments can convert electrical energy directly into mechanical energy and vice versa. Their motion is based on crystalline displacements, so there is neither wear nor friction.

PI Offers Q-Motion® Miniature Rotation Stage Q-614

This video offers a glimpse into PI’s Q-Motion® Miniature Rotation Stage Q-614. The device is very compact and its rotation range if greater than 360°. It has a rotational velocity of 70°/seconds and drive torque of 5 mNm.

Tether Pulling of Macrophage Cell by Optical Tweezers from JPK Instruments

This video shows the pulling of membrane tether from the macrophage cell by optical tweezers from JPK Instruments.

Multilayer Piezo Actuators from PI Ceramic

This video shows the operating principle of PI Ceramic’s Disk Actuator. The multilayer contracting plates can be manufactured in various shapes, for example, disk-shaped (circular) or rectangular, and are available on request.

Actual Effect of InGaAs Array Cooling on SNR

This webinar from Andor investigates the actual effect of InGaAs (indium-gallium-arsenide) array cooling on signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) including minimizing the sensor’s dark current and quantum efficiency.

PI Products Showcased at Laser World of Photonics

This video shows PI products showcased at the Laser World of Photonics. PI develops a wide range of positioning stages and actuators for linear, rotary, and vertical motions. PI also produces customer-specific applications for motion and positioning.

Photoactivation of PA/ GFP in Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Compartments

This video shows the photoactivation of the highly soluble PA/GFP (photoactivated green fluorescent protein) in the nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments.

Andor iXon Ultra Tutorial Series – Part 4

In this video, Colin Coates illustrates the use of Andor iXon Ultra EMCCD camera to achieve the industry-lowest clock induced charge (CIC) noise.

Precision Motion and Positioning Technologies from PI

This video highlights the different precision motion and positioning technologies manufactured by Physik Instrumente (PI). PI’s Piezo Motors have features, such as the smallest designs; lowest cost; linear and rotary; forces to 1000 N; sub-nm resolution; and self-locking.

Optical Tweezers in Action: Key Facts

An Elliot Scientific optical tweezer system is used to manipulate groups of microspheres. This video is real-time and demonstrates the speed and precision of the system.

PI Positioning Solutions with Direct Drive Servo Motors

This video showcases PI’s Direct Drive Linear and Rotary Motors. The PI Linear Motors and Voice Coils are used for nano-meter level motion control, precision automation, and high-speed actuation. Air bearings, MagLev, Torque Motor, Voice Coils, and Hexapods are also available.

PI Offers Q-Motion® XYZ Miniature Positioning Stage

This video shows an overview of Q-Motion® XYZ Miniature Positioning Stage by Physik Instrumente (PI). The high precision piezo inertia motors are compact, versatile, and have nanometer precision.

Andor iXon Ultra Tutorial Series – Part 7

In this video, Colin Coates, Production Manager at Andor Technology, demonstrates the new spurious noise filter (SNF) functionality of the iXon.

Manipulation of Red Blood Cell by Optical Tweezers from JPK Instruments

This video shows the manipulation of red blood cell by optical tweezers from JPK Instruments.

PI Offers Compact PILine® Ultrasonic Piezomotor Technology

This video shows the advanced PILine® ultrasonic piezomotors from PI. The ultrasonic piezomotors are designed for high-dynamic motion in a small form factor. A new, ring-shaped actuator principle allows for rotary stages with a footprint of 20 mm x 20 mm at a velocity of 720°/second.

Nano Optics - Helping Everyone from Surgeons to Scientists to See Better

An Oklahoma company, Access Optics, is using nanotechnology to help everyone from surgeons to scientists to see better.

Innovative Motion Control Solutions from PI for Laser Material Processing

This video shows Physik Instrumente (PI)’s motion control solutions for laser material processing, together with ACS and SCANLAB.

Pulse Profile of Crab Pulsar in Visible Light

This video shows the pulse profile of the Crab pulsar in the visible light. The light curve was obtained using AstraLux camera based on an Andor EMCCD at the Calar Alto 2.2m telescope.

Latest Air Bearing Products from PI

This video shows Matt Reck, Product Manager for Air Bearing Technology, roviding an insight into PI USA’s Engineering and Manufacturing Center in Hopkinton, Massachusetts.

Bead Manipulation of RBC Using Optical Tweezers from JPK Instruments

This video shows the bead manipulation of red blood cell (RBC) using optical tweezers from JPK Instruments. A RBC is fixed to the floor of petri dish by two traps, where the third trap is used to stretch the cell membrane.

Making Computers a Thousand Times Faster

Researchers at Warwick University are helping to develop a material which would vastly increase the speed of computing, the material could revolutionise home entertainment.

PI’s CIPA-Certified Hexapods Test Image Stabilization

This video shows a simulation of a quadrocopter’s (drone) flight to test the quality of the camera’s image stabilization. A CIPA-certified Hexapod from Physik Instrumente (PI) was used to simulate the motion.

Absorbance Measurement using Avantes’ AvaSoft Software

This video explains how to do the absorbance measurement using AvaSoft 8 software in Avantes Spectrometer. Latest version of the software should be installed in the computer.

Imaris Microscopy Software from Bitplane

This video shows the new features of Imaris 7.2 microscopy software from Bitplane. Andor acquired Bitplane on 23 December 2009.

Study on Movement of Organelles in Tradescantia Stamen Hair Cell

This video highlights a study of organelle movement in Tradescantia stamen hair cell using Imaris software.

PI Ceramic Offers All-Ceramic Multilayer Bender Actuators

This video shows the all-ceramic multilayer bender actuators from PI Ceramic. Part of the PICMA® Bender product series, the actuators have very low piezo voltages.

PI Products Showcased at SPS IPC Drives 2017

This video shows PI (Physik Instrumente) at the SPS IPC Drives 2017, which was held between 28 and 30 November at Nuremberg, Germany.

Manipulation of Macrophage Cell by Optical Tweezers from JPK Instruments

This video shows the manipulation of macrophage cell by optical tweezers from JPK Instruments.

SpaceFAB SF-3000 System from PI

This video shows the advanced SpaceFAB SF-3000 from PI. The SpaceFAB SF-3000 is a compact, low profile system. It has a parallel-kinematic design for six degrees of freedom, making it considerably more compact and stiffer than serial-kinematic systems.

PI Offers Motion Centric Industrial Solutions for Industrial Automation

This video offers a glimpse into the Motion Centric Industrial Solutions available from Physik Instrumente(PI) for inspection, testing and assembly.

PI offers Fast Multi-Channel Photonics Alignment Systems

This video offers a glimpse into Physik Instrumente (PI)’s complete range of fast multi-channel photonics alignment (FMPA) systems for the silicon photonics market. These unique, easy-to-integrate subsystems are developed for aligning fibers and optical components.

Insights into Dynamic 3-D Localizations of Critical Cellular Components

In this webinar, Gary Karpen, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz and Tobias Meyer, discuss how they visualize and analyze the dynamic 3-D localizations of vital cellular components.

GFP/Photoactivation in C-Elegans Gonad

This video from Jim Priess, Howard Hughes Investigator at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research, shows the photoactivation of GFP (green fluorescent protein) in multiple regions of interests in P-granules in a C-elegans gonad.

FRAP of Several Nuclei in C-Elegans Embryo

This video from Jim Priess, Howard Hughes Investigator at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research, shows the FRAP (fluorescence recovery after photobleaching) of several nuclei in a C-elegans embryo.

Overview of ACS Motion Control

In this video, ACS Motion Control offers an inside view and shows how the increasing demand for precision and fast throughput can be met with the most sophisticated motion control solutions.

Overview of PI’s Q-821 Q-Motion® Miniature SpaceFAB Robot

This video features the Q-821 Q-Motion® Miniature SpaceFAB Robot from Physik Instrumente (PI). Equipped with Piezo-Motorized Inertia Drive, the Q-821 is a compact six-axis microrobotics system with a 1 nm sensor resolution.

Microscopy Systems from Andor Technology

This video shows the microscopy systems from Andor Technology. These microscopy systems offer solutions to address a wide range of optical microscopy methods such as photo-bleaching, activation, conversion and ablation, white light spinning disk confocal, TIRF, laser spinning disk confocal microscopy, comet assay, bioluminescence and calcium ratio imaging.

Hexapod 6-Axis Motion Systems from PI

This video showcases PI Hexapods that provide a unique way of controlling motion with six degrees of freedom. One of the key differentiators to traditional multi-axis positioning systems is the randomized, software-programmable pivot point.

Image Stabilization and Microscanning with PI’s Piezo Scanners

This video shows image stabilization and microscanning. High resolution and stability are vital for the precision of imaging techniques in biometry or in medical research and diagnostics. For this reason, the imaging components are moved rapidly and precisely.

Application of the AvaSoft 8 Software with the Avantes Halogen Light Source for Colour Measurement

This video explains an easy way to do color measurement using AvaSoft 8 software from Avantes. There are different ways to measure color such as with the reflection pro and in integrating sphere.

PI Offers High-Precision Nanopositioning Systems

This video offers a glimpse of the PIMars range of nanopositioning stages by Physik Instrumente (PI). PI offers an extensive selection of high-precision nanopositioning systems for 3 linear axes as well as 6 axes (3 linear, 3 rotary).

High-Dynamic Hexapod from PI

This video shows PI’s High-Dynamic Hexapod that is used for test and qualification equipment. The PI High-Dynamic Hexapod offers eye tracking, image stabilization, human motion simulation, and vibration simulation.

PI Offers Non-Sensitive Piezo Drives for Magnetic Resonance Therapy

This video shows PI’s non-sensitive piezo drives specifically developed for magnetic resonance therapy. Piezo drives are the only drives which are not affected by strong magnetic fields, and also they do not create magnetic fields which can become a source of interference.

Laminography Instrumentation from PI

In this video, Physik Instrumente (PI) presents beamline instrumentation with a variety of animation. PI’s business development manager explains about the laminography instrumentation, which was delivered at the ID19 beamline of European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) at Grenoble.

Shamrock Spectrographs from Andor Technology

This video shows the Andor family of spectrometers based on the Czerny-Turner optical design. The Shamrock spectrographs offer high-resolution with exceptional sensitivity.

Ultrasensitive Imaging Technologies for Microscopy

In this webinar, Dr. Colin Coates, Imaging Manager from Andor Technology, discusses mainly on the use of laser spectroscopic studies to explain the complete photophysics of useful metal centered complexes.

ROSA System Reveals Sun’s Rapidly Evolving Atmosphere

This video shows the Sun’s rapidly evolving atmosphere. The images were captured using the ROSA (rapid oscillations in the solar atmosphere) imaging system and Andor iXon+ EMCCD camera.

Chemotactic and Ca2+ Responses of Sea Urchin Spermatozoon

This video shows the chemotaxis of a sea urchin sperm in Flou-4 (calcium dye) acquired using an Andor iXon EMCCD camera.

Andor Technology - Low Light Imaging

Andor Technologys range of low light imaging cameras, offer industry-leading performance solutions to your most demanding of scientific challenges. Andors innovative imaging cameras are installed in thousands of research laboratories worldwide, environments in which photon detection performance is central to scientific breakthrough. Whether your experimental needs are guided by single molecule detection, living cells, luminescence, astronomy, nanotechnology, atom trapping, super-resolution, plasmas or semiconductors, Andors imaging solutions offer distinct performance advantages.

New Labeling Machine from PI and Tirelli

This video shows the PI hexapod used exclusively for a bottle labeling system. In partnership with Tirelli, an Italian machine manufacturer, Physik Instrumente (PI) designed and manufactured the prototype of a novel labeling machine.

Sensofar: Reflecting on 20 Years

Sensofar is celebrating the 20th anniversary of its founding in 2001.

ABB Provides Unique Power Protection Solutions

This video demonstrates various power protection solutions available from ABB for managing power quality problems. These power protection systems, which comprise UPS, power switching and power conditioning products, provide high-quality power protection for data and plant processes.

New Technologies for White Light Confocal Imaging

In this webinar, Dr. Mark Browne, Director of Systems Division with Andor, discusses about the CCD camera Clara, UVP-350i, and also DSD (differential spinning disk).

PiezoMove® Flexure Actuators from PI

This video shows the operating principle of the Piezomove® flexure actuators from PI. In nanopositioning technology, flexure guides have shown to be appropriate for positioning tasks of up to several millimeters.

Invisibility a Reality?

Scientists say they are a step closer to developing materials that could render people and objects invisible.

PI Participates in LASER World of Photonics 2017

The video shows the participation of Physik Instrumente (PI) at LASER World of Photonics 2017—a trade fair dedicated for the laser photonics industry.

Portfolio of PI’s Precision Motion Technologies

This video shows the extensive portfolio of PI’s precision motion technologies that are integrated into comprehensive motion systems. PI is a worldwide leading supplier of solutions in the field of motion and positioning.

Andor iXon Ultra Tutorial Series – Part 1

This tutorial by Colin Coates demonstrates the installation of Andor iXon Ultra EMCCD camera for achieving ultimate sensitivity under extreme low-light conditions.

Ultra-Precision Rotation Stages from PI

This video offers a glimpse of the ultra-precision rotation stages from Physik Instrumente (PI). Part of the structural series UPR-270, these rotation stages are developed for dynamic positioning of high load applications.

Morphological Assessment of Spindles and Chromosomes in Oocytes

This video from Andor shows the morphological assessment of spindles and chromosomes in macaque oocytes to better understand in-vitro oocyte saturation process.

NEXLINE® Piezo Stepping Drives from PI

This video provides an overview of the PI Nexline® range of piezo stepping drives from Physik Instrumente (PI). The piezo stepping drives are essential components and have a number of piezo actuators that are preloaded against a guided runner.

Additive Manufacturing using PI Piezo Actuators

This video looks at the concept of additive manufacturing processes. These processes are no longer a prototype niche and are on their way to establishing themselves in industrial production. Although injection molding is the preferred choice for processing plastics where the quantities are large and the demand for quality is high, additive manufacturing is predestined for efficient production of separate parts and small batch production.

Neo sCMOS Camera from Andor Technology

This video shows the new 5.5 MP Neo sCMOS camera from Andor Technology. The Neo sCMOS is a unique deep cooled Scientific CMOS, which has the capability to eliminate the performance drawbacks of the current gold standard microscopy cameras.

Changing of Fluorescence Filters by Optical Tweezers from JPK Instruments

This video shows the changing of fluorescence filters by optical tweezers from JPK Instruments.

The New Cilas Large Area Optical Coatings Machine - PACA2M

Cilas PACA2M optical coatings machine magnetron sputtering

ABB PCS100 RPC Corrects Power Quality Problems

This video explains the functioning of the PCS100 RPC (reactive power conditioner) from ABB. Designed to improve power quality in commercial and industrial electrical installations across a large range of industries, the PCS100 RPC provides a cost-effective solution to correct regular power quality problems.

PI Offers PiezoMike Linear Actuators Equipped with Position Sensors

This video offers a glimpse into the features of PiezoMike series of linear actuators by Physik Instrumente (PI). Based on low-cost inertia principle, the PiezoMike linear actuators are distinguished by their compact design, long lifetime, and travel ranges up to 26 mm.

PI Offers Parallel-Kinematic Nanopositioning System with Capacitive Sensors

This video shows the working principle of the parallel-kinematic nanopositioning system from Physik Instrumente (PI). The nanopositioning system comes with capacitive sensors, reduced inertia, and parallel-metrology arrangement.

Pittcon 2014 - Why You Need to be There!

Pittcon 2014 introductory video

Self-Assembling Process for Fabricating Tailored Thin Films

A simple, economical nanotechnology coating process that enables the development of nanoparticle thin films with architectures and properties unattainable by any other processing method.

Innovative Range of Precision Motion Products from PI USA

In this video, Brian Lula, President of PI USA showcases PI USA and explains why the PI is one of the leading companies when it comes to nano-positioning and multi-axis alignment systems.

GFP-Lifeact Probe Expression in Live Mouse Primary Neutrophil

This video shows the expression of F-actin binding probe Lifeact-GFP in a live mouse primary neutrophil which was stimulated with the chemotractant FMLP and visualized using Andor iXon 897 EMCCD camera.

Optical Trapping - How Optical Traps Work

A brief description of how optical traps work from a ray tracing perspective. Very qualitative, but only relies on knowledge of college freshman physics. THis video was designed for an undergraduate electrical engineering course on lasers at a large state university.

Fast Multi-Channel Photonics Alignment System for High-Throughput Silicon Photonics

This video shows Fast Multi-Channel Photonics Alignment System from Physik Instrumente (PI). Alignment systems for high-throughput silicon photonics testing and packaging must be very fast, automated, and perform all tasks concurrently – hallmarks of PI’s fiber alignment systems.

Movement of M1 Molecules in Living CHO Cells

This video shows the movement of M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor molecules labelled with florescent ligand Cy3B--telenzepine in living CHO cells using TIRFM (total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy) and Andor iXon EMCCD camera.

Belgian Exhibitors at MILIPOL 2011

This video from Xenics shows the member companies of the Belgian Security and Defence Industry presenting their products at MILIPOL 2011.

PI Parallel Kinematics for Piezo Positioning Systems

This video shows the animation of Physik Instrumente (PI)’s parallel kinematics. In a parallel-kinematic structure, all drives are designed to act on the same moving platform so that each axis has the same dynamic behavior.

PI Delivers MiQA System to KIT

In this video, Tim Naumann from PI’s Engineered Systems talks about the delivery of the microscopy and quality assurance (MiQA) system to the customer, KIT. The journey takes place from its site of origin at PI Micos in Eschbach to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

Overview of PIMag® 6-D Magnetic Levitation

This video provides an overview of PIMag® 6-D Magnetic Levitation offered by Physik Instrumente (PI). Features of the PIMag are active magnetic trajectory control, passive moving platform, high stiffness, and nanometer resolution.

Dynamics of Colliding Plasma Plumes

This video from Andor shows the temporal and spatial evolution of two colliding laser produced plasmas at 5•10^10W/cm2.

Microscopy and Quality Assurance System from PI

In this video, Tim Naumann from PI’s Engineered Systems explains the MiQA system for microscopy, tomography, and laminography. The unique system, which consists of goniometers, rotation stages, hexapods, and a custom sample stage, will be used by the ANKA (Angströmquelle Karlsruhe) at the Karlsruhe Institute.

Q-Motion® - PI’s High-Resolution Positioning Systems

This video shows Q-Motion® high-resolution positioning systems that are very small and versatile. The functional principle of the piezoelectric inertia drive enables easy configuration of the control and the actuators.

PI Offers Dynamic, Cost Efficient PIMag® Voice Coil Drives

This video shows the working principle of the voice coil drives by Physik Instrumente (PI). Magnetic linear drives and voice coil actuators function based on the fact that the force acting on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field is proportional to the strength of the magnetic field and the current.

Diffusion of QD-Tagged Receptor in Synapse

This video shows the diffusion of QD (quantum dots)-tagged GABA receptor molecules in a synapse using high-resolution and low-light imaging platforms and Andor iXon EMCCD camera.

Innovative Range of Piezo Inertia Drives from PI

This video shows the operation and features of PI’s Piezo Inertia Drives. PIShift drives in particular are ideal for drift-free long-term positioning.

Overview of PI Hybrid Stage

This video shows the working mechanism of Physik Instrumente (PI)’s Hybrid Stage. PI offers a unique hybrid concept with parent position measurement and closed-loop control. Some of the key features include simultaneous control of piezo flexure drives and DC-servo/ball screw drives, repeatability in the nanometer range, millisecond settling time to nanometer precision, high consistent velocity, and high drive and holding forces at minimum energy requirements/thermal dissipation.

Diffraction Limited Photoactivation of GFP with TIRF

This Mosaic video by Andor Technology shows the photoactivation of GFP (green fluorescent protein) in multiple regions of interests at the diffraction limit.

Compact Drives for Piezoelectric Micropumps by PI

This video shows the operating principle of compact drives offered by Physik Instrumente (PI) for piezoelectric micropumps. Micro-diaphragm pumps need compact drives, which can offer a continuous flow and variable flow rates.

PI Offers Q-Motion® Miniature Linear Positioning Stage Q-521

This video shows the Q-Motion Miniature Linear Positioning Stage Q-521 from Physik Instrumente (PI). The Q-521 is a compact, high resolution, and cost-efficient miniature linear stage.

PI Ceramic Offers Piezoceramic Solutions for Industry and Research

In this "PI Insights" video, Physik Instrumente’s (PI) subsidiary PI Ceramic introduces itself and explains how it uses its wide-ranging know-how, experience, and unlimited flexibility to manufacture piezoceramic solutions for research and industry and also demonstrates how these elements are then made to work.

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