LASER COMPONENTS supplies the ModBox Front-End from our partner iXblue with ns pulse shaping capabilities ideal as a master for either high energetic lasers (>1 kJ, 1 MJ projects) or solid-state pump lasers.
High intensity lasers proved to be useful tools in a wide range of disciplines and studies: warm dense matter, plasma physics, acceleration of ions and electrons, imaging, and more recently industrial laser applications such as material hardening by laser-induced shock wave (peening).
Continuous improvements aim for higher pulse energies >10 uJ and >100 uJ with high stability, repeatability and reliability for continuous use in an industrial environment. Its features also improved optical pulse contrast to minimize noise and a high PER and to avoid FM/AM conversion. Recent improvements are shown below.
Sub-ns optical Pulse Shaping:
- Pulse shaping resolution is 125 ps on pulse durations up to 100 ns with a vertical resolution of 12 bits.
- Contrast provided can be as high as 60 dB.
Low and extremely low jitter optical pulses:
- Low jitter: <7 ps RMS
- Extremely low: <7 ps peak-peak
Low ripple: 1% RMS:
- The RF optimization allows a ripple in the square pulse plateau of <1% RMS.
Improved power and energy performance:
- Up to 1 nJ/1 ns with 35 dB contrast optical pulses (w/o optical pulsed amplifi er)
- 300 pJ/1 ns with 60 dB contrast optical pulses (w/o optical pulsed amplifi er)
- 10 uJ and 100 uJ/1 ns with 60 dB contrast optical pulses
High optical Stability: fl at optical output power and energy behavior:
- The variation is guaranteed to be <1% RMS.