Case Study on the Installation of the SunMizer DC Power Optimizer

'Selective Installation' on Residential PV System Recovers Over 50% of Power Loss Due to Shade.

Xandex Solar, a division of Xandex Inc., announced today the release of a case study on the retrofit of a residential solar installation with its new SunMizer(TM) DC Power Optimizers. The 6.4kW installation, located in Sonoma, CA, presented the system designer with a complex multi-tiered roof and significant space constraints, a situation typical in many residential solar installations. The case study shows that SunMizer, when selectively installed on only 8 shaded panels, recovered more than 50% of system level power loss.

SunMizer DC Power Optimizer

The residential system consisted of thirty-two (32) 200W panels connected in two sixteen (16) panel strings on a single inverter. Prior to SunMizer installation, system performance output was modeled, both with and without shade, to determine the annual energy recapture potential. The results revealed that more than 2,000 kWh of annual energy production was being lost due to shade.

SunMizer was then "selectively installed" on 5 panels in one string and 3 panels in the other string. These 8 panels experience shade during daily "peak sun-hours", or from 9AM to 5PM. After SunMizer installation, the result was a significant increase in output that amounts to over 1,000 kWh of power recovered annually. This equates to a SunMizer payback period of less than 5 years when valued at typical Northern California residential electricity rates.

"Like many residential installations, shade was having a significant impact on power output," said Tim Kubes, Director of Sales and Marking for Xandex Solar. "The power recovery is remarkable and proof adding SunMizer only to shaded panels offers significant value for our customers." The case study is available by registering at and also at Xandex Solar Booth #2252 at Solar Power International 2009 in Anaheim, CA, October 27-29 as SunMizer is introduced to the North American Solar market.

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