Dec 20 2010
Semiconductor company, Texas Instruments (TI) has launched a new microcontroller (MCU) Multi-DC/DC Color LED Kit. The TMS320C2000 real-time MCU comprises individual DC/DC power stages for controlling a maximum of eight white LED strings or two white and two RGB LED strings.
The power stage topology is suitable for applications necessitating various string lengths and LED types for intensity and color applications including stage and automotive lighting. The C2000 Piccolo MCU performs the entire power stages and leaves headroom for features including LED fault protection, ambient lighting compensation, thermal correction and sensing, PWM dimming, and color mixing.
The kit includes RGB and white LEDs, a detachable LED panel, and a modular controlCARD. The Piccolo F28027 controlCARD offers a 13-channel 12-bit ADC, 8 PWM channels, and a 32-bit 60MHz performance. By giving a simplified control to vary power stage current levels for color mixing and brightness, the graphical user interface (GUI) reduces the evaluation process.