MSC Software, a pioneer in multidiscipline simulation solutions that generate product innovation, declared that Sigmadyne, a software development and finite element analysis consulting company, has presented a wide range of capabilities for the optical systems analysis with MSC Nastran as their basic simulation software.
SigFit, which was recently launched by Sigmadyne, is MSC Nastran’s optical pre and post processor that facilitates optical response data to be recorded in the MSC Nastran input format. Hence, MSC Nastran's optimization capability makes use of the optical behavior in the optical systems’ structural optimization.
The distortion in the refractive and reflective surfaces leads to Optical performance degradation and the characterization of such distortions is important for analyzing the optical performance. SigFit creates suitable polynomial characterizations of the forecasted distortions of optical surfaces in the form of MSC Nastran multipoint constraint (MPC) equations. Through this, engineers characterize deformed optical surfaces using polynomial types within MSC Nastran.
Most of the advanced telescopes contain deformable mirrors to rectify errors related to the optical surface figure due to structural or thermal loading. MSC Nastran can be used to resolve the distorted optical surface predictions and the manipulating functions for extensive candidate actuator locations.
SigFit also offers a variety of methods to employ MSC Nastran for the optical systems analysis. The MSC Nastran analysis results are collected by SigFit and recorded in local formats for direct input to various optical design programs. The stress and temperature variations in the refraction index including stress birefringence are some of the examples. The integration of SigFit and MSC Nastran offer a beneficial blend useful for designing precision optical systems.