Dec 19 2007
January 1, 2008 will mark the ritualistic day of New Year's promises as many vow to stop smoking. The New Year also brings added pressure to smokers as January 1 marks the first day of the Illinois Smoking Ban.
For those resolving to make 2008 the start of a smoke-free life, a new technology called low-level laser therapy, is available. Laser Therapy, provided by Achieve Laser, is quickly becoming a very successful aid in helping individuals to quit smoking once and for all.
Achieve Laser opened in April 2007 and has experienced encouraging success rates for those committed to quitting. Of the clients who have started the Achieve Laser program, approximately 70% have remained smoke-free after 30 days.
"Our ambition is to help smokers achieve their goal of breaking their smoking addiction forever," states David Jackson, CEO of Achieve Laser.
Mr. Jackson personally overcame his nicotine addiction after more than 15 years of smoking a pack a day. "My success with laser therapy motivated me to offer new hope to smokers still struggling to quit. Our work is very gratifying and we are extremely proud of the success of our clients."
The cost of Achieve Laser's 3-Step Program is $329. Before treatment begins all individuals are screened to determine their smoking and health history. Once approved, clients are placed into a comprehensive program that includes several laser treatments and a customized plan, which addresses the unique behavioral and psychological aspects of the individual's addiction.
Based on similar principles as acupuncture, laser therapy utilizes a cool laser that targets various points on the body including the ears, face, and hands. Laser treatments promote the release of endorphins - the body's natural chemical, which promotes relaxation. This effect helps to minimize withdrawal symptoms and cravings that accompany nicotine withdrawal.
"Unlike other smoking cessation aides, laser therapy does not involve drugs or nicotine replacement," states Brian Frank, co-owner of Achieve Laser. "This allows our clients to overcome their body's addiction faster and without side-effects."
For individuals resolved to making 2008 their smoke-free year, and those facing the upcoming Illinois Smoking Ban, laser therapy may be a successful choice.