Sep 22 2010
A University of Michigan scientist has developed a new infrared laser defense system that can blind the heat-sensitive missiles, aiding pilots to escape by dodging the missiles. Initially, the laser defense system is expected to be used for combat operations, but eventually it can help the local law enforcement agencies in uncovering hidden explosives and drugs.
The laser developed by the scientist, Mohammed Islam, emits a multitude of infrared wavelengths. The infrared light emitted from the laser warms the missile’s heat-sensor, which is used for tracking the aircraft. The lasers mask the signature of the heat sources (engine and exhaust of the aircraft), by making everything around appear like the heat source. The pilot can evade the missile and escape, by making a sharp turn when the projectile is blinded.
The compact and durable laser defense system can be mounted on an aircraft. Initially helicopters are expected to be equipped with this laser system, followed by the airplanes. University of Maryland’s laser scientist, Anthony Johnson stated that this is an appealing technique to blind an incoming projectile.