Mar 17 2010
As the nation moves even closer to its 2012 deadline of making all light bulbs more energy-efficient, Clear-Lite Holdings, Inc. (“ClearLite”) (OTCBB: CLRH), a leading innovator of eco-friendly lighting, is continuing its quest to help reduce exposure to the potentially dangerous toxins traditionally found in compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) with liquid mercury through the creation of its ArmorLite CFL, a Safer CFL.
"Households with children and pregnant women are thought to be even more vulnerable to potential health impacts from mercury exposure, which was one of the places where we immediately focused our efforts,” said Thomas Irvine, ClearLite’s CEO and Founder. "We are very excite about the recent New York Times article. It is always great when such a respected newspaper helps educate the consumer of the possible risks associated with CFLs.”
“The patent-pending SX4000 ECO Safety Coating™ that we use around our bulbs is just one more way that we are doing our part to help reduce exposure to the potentially dangerous toxins inside the bulb in the event of a break,” added Irvine.
While most consumers know that CFL’s offer energy savings of up to 75% and last up to 13 times longer than comparable incandescent bulbs, many are unaware that CFL's can also contain liquid mercury, which poses a potential safety risk to both humans and pets if a bulb is broken in the home.
In response to safety concerns, ClearLite recently introduced its ArmorLite™ bulbs, A Safer CFL™, which contain no liquid mercury and instead use amalgam, an alloy of mercury with other metals in a solid form. To further enhance the safety of the bulbs, ClearLite’s ArmorLite also contains a safety-coating, which helps provide an added barrier between you and the toxins inside, if broken, by helping to capture both the broken glass and the mercury. Thanks to this safety-coating, an independent third-party testing company found that the level of mercury was below the levels that the testing equipment was even able to detect, yet these bulbs still offer superior lighting.