DC Solar Power system Built by SunEdison Activated at Alamosa High School

Senator Gail Schwartz of Colorado, School Superintendent Robert Alejo, and Mayor Kathy Rogers, today celebrated the activation of the 835 (kW) DC solar photovoltaic power system at Alamosa High School. The solar system will be used to provide a portion of the power needs for the school district over the next 20 years.

SunEdison, a subsidiary of MEMC Electronic Materials (NYSE: WFR), and North America’s largest solar energy service provider, financed and built the system at no upfront capital cost to the school system. The solar power array will produce over 27 million kilowatt hours of electricity over 20 years. That is enough energy to power over 2,600 homes for one year.

"I'm excited to see SunEdison’s innovative partnering with our schools," said Senator Gail Schwartz. “The money saved on electric bills will go where it is really needed: back into the classrooms. As environmentally responsible companies like SunEdison help develop our solar industry here in Colorado, we all benefit."

Kathy Rogers, Mayor of Alamosa, stated, “The venture between Alamosa Schools and SunEdison is a clear indicator of our shared vision as a progressive community. This public – private partnership will provide cost savings and a learning opportunity for our students. This is another positive step forward for Alamosa.”

Alamosa School Superintendent Robert Alejo commented, “This project makes Alamosa High School one of the largest public schools in Colorado to utilize solar energy. Our school district is proud to be one of the State’s premier users of renewable energy.”

Alamosa also has one of the nation’s largest solar PV ground-mount systems, an 8.22 MW system that covers an area equivalent to eight footballs fields. This facility was also financed, built, and now operated and maintained by SunEdison.

Rick Gilliam, VP of Government Affairs for SunEdison added, “We are honored to support the community of Alamosa as a model and living laboratory for solar power.”

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