Oct 23 2009
The X-ray miniFDI allows high resolution beam characterization down to less than 10 microns resolution and 0.5 % accuracy in terms of signal to noise ratio.
The camera offers 8.9x 6.7mm active area. A custom scintillator is deposited onto the camera in order to allow operation from 100 eV up to 100 keV.
The camera delivers up to 13 fps at full resolution or >40 fps in binning 2x2 allowing real time beam monitoring routine.
A built in shutter allows smear free, shutterless acquisition even with exposure time down to micro second range.
Higher frame rate in excess of 100fps can be achieved when used in local sub area mode or line scan mode.
High resolution beam analysis is carried via a remote GUI interface thanks to device server driver control.
The cameras have a 16-bit acquisition mode and a fast 12-bit readout mode. Near single photon counting sensitivity can be achieved in binning mode.