Jul 21 2007
The Micra from Coherent, Inc. is the first ultrafast laser to deliver state-of-the-art, broad spectral bandwidth (more than 100 nm) output from an automated user-friendly package.
The compact laser head incorporates both a broadband oscillator and a dedicated Verdi pump laser, creating a minimum overall footprint. The Micra can be used to seed amplifier systems designed to produce amplified pulses as short as 10 to 15 fs. In addition, the Micra offers center wavelength tunability, as well as a user-adjustable spectral bandwidth (from <30 nm to over 100 nm), which translate into an adjustable temporal pulse width.
Micra utilizes much of the technology that was first pioneered in the Mira â„¢ ultrafast oscillator and also builds on the integrated platform of the Vitesseâ„¢ one-box laser developed for the semiconductor and instrumentation markets. The new Micra will be available with a full range of popular accessories and options, including RF synchronization, carrier-envelope phase stabilization, a pulse shaper and a cavity dumper.
With its broadband output, Micra is well suited for demanding research applications, such as THz imaging, optical coherence tomography, and time-resolved spectroscopy. Compared to alternative products, the superior reliability and turnkey operation of the Micra combine to simplify the use of ultrafast lasers in these technically demanding applications.