Sep 11 2008
PathoLase, Inc., an emerging leader in the medical technology industry, reported today that a select group of leading podiatrists in several markets in the US are now treating patients who suffer from toenail fungus (Onychomycosis) with its ground breaking laser technology. Using PathoLase's patented PinPointe FootLaser system, podiatrists in Sacramento, San Jose, Salt Lake City and Belleville, New Jersey are open for business treating their patients' toenail fungus.
“The PinPointe FootLaser system is a technological marvel,” said Michael Uro, DPM from Sacramento. “My patients love that fact that I can treat them safely and quickly with no drugs, no anesthesia, no pain and no side effects.”
Led by medical laser pioneer, David Harris, PhD, Director of Science & Regulatory Affairs for PathoLase, the company recently brought its patented laser technology to market after several years of research and development. With over 20 years of medical laser development to his credit, Dr. Harris has overseen the development of this groundbreaking technology.
“With an estimated 40 million people in the US suffering from toenail fungus infections, PathoLase is committed to making our PinPointe FootLaser system available to as many sufferers as quickly as we can throughout the US,” noted John Strisower, CEO of PathoLase.
Commented Brian McDowell, DPM also from Sacramento, “Response to our initial advertising announcing the availability of this wonderful technology has been overwhelming. Patients are thrilled that the medical technology industry has finally developed a sophisticated laser system that kills the pathogens that cause toenail fungus quickly and efficiently. I have had patients call their friends and family from my examining room encouraging them to make their own appointments immediately. We’ve never seen a public response like this to new drugs or ointments that treat toenail fungus. Nor have we ever had a solution with PinPointe’s high rate of success to offer our patients.”
PathoLase is the only medical laser technology currently available in the marketplace that kills the pathogens that cause toenail fungus. The company expects to introduce its leading edge laser technology into another 20 major markets in the next several months.