Providing top-rated lasers for high-end customers is the core of the Chilas mission. For those with demanding laser requirements for their product, this is an opportunity to attend Chilas’ new product launch and be among the first to discover the possibilities it can offer.
The Chilas product launch will be held online on 7 September 2021, from 4:00 to 5:00 PM CEST (Europe).
Register at this link:
About the Product Launch
Chilas lasers harvest the best of both InP and SiN worlds. The external cavity laser (ECL) is constructed by hybrid integration of both InP gainsection and SiN wavelength selective feedback PIC. The InP gainsection provides high optical output power over a wide wavelength range, whereas the SiN PIC provides a low loss configurable feedback to the gainsection.
Unique set of Laser Characteristics
This combination results in a robust and compact laser module providing a unique set of laser characteristics:
- Ultra-narrow linewidths (<5 kHz) due to the High Q of the cavity
- Agile wavelength selection (>100 nm) over the C-band, thanks to the configurable microring based vernier filter in the SiN PIC
- High output power (>30 mW, 100 mW under development) provided by the InP gainsection
These characteristics make the Chilas laser a workhorse for a large variety of applications.
Large variety of applications
- The ultra-narrow linewidth and compact, robust character of the Chilas laser will allow you to increase the sensitivity of your metrology application in harsh environments.
- The high optical power, ultranarrow linewidth (<5 kHz), low RIN (<-155 dB/Hz) and low phase noise of the laser will warp your transceiver into the future, meeting novel standards for small channel spacing and enables advanced modulation methods (PAM, PSK,QAM, ..)
- Beam your LiDAR up to space, and bring our laser to the race.
- Boost the resolution and accuracy of your Optical fibre sensor.
- Enhanced the reach of your Coherence Tomography (OCT) application to microscopic levels by exploiting the full 100 nm bandwidth of Chilas' lasers.
Chilas product launch: Lasers that harvest the best of both InP and SiN worlds
Video Credit: Chilas