A new development for a faster FPGA programming for cameras and boards with FPGA such as e.g. the RazerCam and cameras by Tattile.
With the new version of EyeVision it is possible to program applications with the integration of the VisualApplets by SiliconSoftware. Therefore the even faster evaluation via drag-and-drop function is also possible.
The integration of the VisualApplets in the graphical programming environment complements the drag-and-drop programming for the image evaluation with a simple hardware acceleration via FPGA, due to the graphical programming.
Therefore the RazerCam and Tattile cameras, which are based on the ZYNQ, but also boards by SiliconSoftware with their XILINX FPGA are available for faster and easy-to-handle evaluation acceleration.
Starting with a simple shading correction up to quite complex evaluations, such as a contour correlation, all applications can be solved with graphical programming.
So the programming has become easier to handle and the option for getting an speedboost for the evaluation is only a few mouse clicks away.
It is for example possible to create an application simply with the drag-and-drop function of the EyeVision Software. In case that this is not fast enough already, single command components can be replaced with a VisualApplets solution. Take the KeyMatch command (contour matcher) for example: if you use the KeyMatch for object detection, depending on the image size, the evaluation can take up to 100 ms. So in case this is not fast enough, the command will be replaced by a comparable FPGA algorithm and the speed will increase about 10-times.
This is all possible with a grabber board in the PC or else with, ZYNQ-based smart cameras such as the RazerCam.