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New Market Research Provides Overview of World Trade of Lighting Fixtures has added a new market research report: World trade of lighting fixtures

This market research provides an overview of the world trade of lighting fixtures, with 2012 production and consumption data at worldwide level and data on the evolution (2007-2012) of lighting fixtures trade in 60 countries selected according to their contribution to international trade of lighting fixtures.

The report offers opportunities for lighting fixtures exporters, arising from the increasing openness of markets and a rich collection of key country-data, allowing comparisons among specific interest areas.

The world imports and exports of lighting fixtures are broken down by geographical area (European Union 27 + Norway and Switzerland, Central and Eastern Europe outside the EU & Russia, Asia and Pacific, Middle East and Africa, North and South America) and by High Income countries and Middle and Low Income countries.

Trade data are also available in a country format: historical series on lighting fixtures exports and imports, origin of imports and destination of exports, country rankings to place all statistics in a broad worldwide context and allowing comparisons among specific interest areas.

Products considered as core of the research: Residential lighting, Commercial lighting, Christmas and traffic lighting, Lighting fixtures components.

Countries considered: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong (China), Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, Vietnam.

Guidelines to the report

Notes, presentation conventions, classification of countries


Production and consumption:

  • World production and consumption of lighting fixtures 2012: High Income countries and Middle and Low Income countries. Percentage values;
  • World production and consumption of lighting fixtures, 2012: focus on 60 countries. Comparison with macro indicators. US$ and EUR million;
  • World trade, focus on 60 countries:
  • Six major importers/exporters of lighting fixtures. Imports/Exports, 2007-2012. US$ and EUR million;
  • Overview of the lighting fixtures industry by geographical region, 2012. US$ and EUR million;
  • Overview of the lighting fixtures industry by High Income/Middle and Low Income countries, 2012. US$ and EUR million;
  • World trade of lighting fixtures, 2007-2012. Current US$ and EUR billion and annual percentage changes;

The main importing countries:

  • World imports of lighting fixtures, 2007-2012: focus on 60 countries. US$ and EUR million and annual percentage changes;
  • World imports/consumption ratios of lighting fixtures, 2012: focus on 60 countries. US$ and EUR million and percentage values;

The main exporting countries:

  • World exports of lighting fixtures, 2007-2012: focus on 60 countries. US$ and EUR million and annual percentage changes;
  • World exports/production ratios of lighting fixtures, 2012: focus on 60 countries. US$ and EUR million and percentage values;
  • Trade matrix:
  • Lighting fixtures. Main destination of exports/Main origin of imports: focus on 60 countries, 2012. Percentage values;
  • Trade balance:
  • World trade balance for lighting fixtures, 2007-2012: focus on 60 countries. US$ and EUR million;
  • GDP outlook by country:
  • Real growth in GDP: focus on 60 countries. Historical data and forecasts. Percentage values;
  • Residential and Technical lighting:
  • World exports and imports of Residential and Technical lighting fixtures, 2012: focus on 60 countries. US$ and EUR million and percentage values;
  • World consumption of Residential and Technical lighting fixtures, 2012: focus on 60 countries. US$ and EUR million.


Country Tables for 60 countries:

  • Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong (China), Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, Vietnam

For each country:

  • Production, Exports, Imports, Consumption of lighting fixtures (Total, Residential, Technical), 2012. US$ million and ranking;
  • Export/Production, Import/Consumption, Production/GNP ratios (Total, Residential, Technical), 2012. Percentage values and ranking. Per capita consumption (Total, Residential, Technical), 2012. US$;
  • Economic indicators (last available year, generally 2012): Population, Area, GNP, Per capita GNP, Household consumption expenditure, GNP and Per capita GNP at purchasing power parity, Exchange rates local currency per US$ and local currency per EUR;
  • Real growth of GDP, 2010-2017
  • Exports and imports of lighting fixtures by country and by geographical area, 2007-2012 (when available). US$ million;
  • Breakdown of lighting fixtures exports and imports by segment, 2012 (when available). Percentage values

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