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Eclipse Launches Crowd Sourcing Campaign for At-Home Smart Breast Health Imaging Device

Eclipse Breast Health Technologies Inc., a health products design and development company, today announced Eclipse is executing a crowd sourcing campaign on Indiegogo to raise $650,000 to bring Eclipse to the market as soon as possible so it can benefit women in early detection of breast abnormalities, by tracking and comparing images from month to month.

The Eclipse is a safe at-home, easy to use hand-held imaging device that enables consumers to perform a self-administered breast exam to detect breast abnormalities. It is up to five times more sensitive than the human hand; therefore resulting in improving the effectiveness of a tactile examination and giving women comfort and peace of mind of their breast health status between mammography visits. This is the world’s first personal handheld device that creates digital images for women and their health care providers to monitor and help identify potential problems, resulting in early detection by being able to “see” what can’t be felt.

It is estimated that that nearly 40,000 women will die of breast cancer this year in the U.S. alone. “Providing an effective means of early detection that leads to early treatment is essential in the fight against breast cancer,” said Ken Wright founder and CEO of Eclipse Breast Heath Technologies. “I am deeply motivated to make a better future for my wife and daughter and generations of women ahead. The Eclipse is a powerful tool that puts breast health in the hands of women to simply monitor their own breast health to detect change or abnormalities early.”

The funds raised through Indiegogo will help Eclipse move their working prototypes into beta pilot production that will put Eclipse into the hands of 1,000 woman by Q1 2014 to get critical user feedback that will help improve the Eclipse and drive its full production in Q4 2014. Wright said, “The goal is to have Eclipse in the hands of more than a million woman by the end of 2015 and beyond 20 million within five years. We also want to create and distribute thousands of community kits for developing countries by the end of 2015 and hundreds of thousands within five years.”

The company will also be working to expand on its advanced technology with plans to make it available to the medical community to help radically improve current mammography systems and to develop programs to empower woman and their doctors to work together to deliver the most comprehensive breast health systems.

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