AstraNet Systems Ltd (Cambridge, England), a manufacturer of analyser systems based on fibre optic coupled spectrophotometry, is pleased to announce the availability of another new product for the Life Sciences market.
Low volumes (2.5, 1.0 or 0.6ul) of highly concentrated sample can be measured within a short pathlength environment (0.5, 0.2 or 0.125mm), making the instrument ideal for Nucleic Acid and Protein determination without the need for sample dilution.
AstraBio has a spectral bandwidth of <2nm and uses a pulsed xenon lamp as the light source and a 3648 pixel CCD as the detector. Sample containment is within a DMV BioCell (Starna) supplied as part of the system; this cuvette is optimised for high energy throughput as there are no other reflective surfaces within it. The system is ideal for use in low throughput laboratories and in communal facilities where there are several different sample measurement needs to be addressed.
Researchers using this product will also benefit from low cost of ownership; this is not only due to the long life lamp, but also due to the fact that since it has no moving parts, a regular service engineer instrument recalibration is not necessary.
About AstraNet
AstraNet Systems Ltd, based in the high technology region of Cambridge UK, is a specialist supplier to the spectroscopy market.
With many decades of experience in traditional spectroscopy, AstraNet was founded in 2001 to take advantage of the latest developments in fibre-optics, high resolution CCD array detectors and long-life, pulsed light sources.
Using these new tools and their long experience in UV/Visible and NIR spectroscopy AstraNet has designed and developed a novel range of fibre optic coupled CCD array spectrometers that have found applications in Life Science, Colour Measurement, Environmental Monitoring and Industrial Process Control.