Research and Markets has included a new research report titled ‘UV LED Market 2012’ to its catalogue. The report analyzes the UV LED market and the associated epiwafers and AlN substrates in detail.
According to the report, UV LEDs will account for 28% of the total market for UV lamps by 2016. They have been substituting conventional UV lamps for use in incumbent applications and will also be used in new applications, particularly in portable ones, due to their eco-friendly composition, low ownership cost and compactness. Thus, the market for UV LEDs is estimated to reach a value of over $150 million by 2016 from 2011 value of $32.5 million.
UVA (400-315 nm) segment is the largest UV LED market and will retain its top spot in the next five years. The report provides market data of conventional UV lamps and UV LEDs for the reporting period 2011-2016, information on UV LED penetration rate, and applications of each technology.
Numerous new players with different backgrounds, including substrate suppliers, visible LED suppliers, pure UV LED curing system suppliers, conventional UV curing systems suppliers, and conventional mercury lamp suppliers, have shown interest on the growing UV LED market over the past years. They have been adopting different strategies to acquire the highest share of this market.
Asian companies, particularly those operating in Taiwan and Japan, are the leading players at the device level in the UV LED market. However, the market is also witnessing the entry of Chinese companies, which rise competition, decrease prices, and allow mass applications at middle and long term.
UV curing business is the most dynamic and significant application market for UVA. Photocatalyst air purifier and counterfeit detection are the other major applications for UVA. The report discusses all UVA applications in detail, with special focus on UV curing. It includes data pertaining to UV working principle, drivers and challenges of UV LEDs, characteristics needed for UV LEDs, market structure, and total accessible market for UV LEDs and key companies.