Dr. Gregory Neu, an East Dundee dentist, recently unveiled the LANAP Laser Treatment for gum disease. This laser surgery eliminates the need for scalpels or sutures and effectively replaces traditional gum surgery.
Traditional periodontal disease treatments are convoluted and associated with pain. They require cutting and trimming of the diseased tissue followed by sutures. In addition, they involve prolonged post-surgery period with side effects. The new treatment can be effectively used in the place of traditional gum disease treatments associated with pain and discomfort. Periodontal disease, if untreated, can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Instead of using scalpel or stitches, the LANAP Laser Treatment is based on wavelengths of light that is capable of differentiating diseased and healthy tissue. The laser light removes the periodontal tissue, without harming the healthy tissue. The LANAP is a minimally invasive surgical procedure, wherein the patients experience only negligible discomfort and minimal recession. Regarding periodontal disease, the LANAP laser is the first FD- approved laser treatment. This treatment enables Dr. Neu to observe long-term results.
Being a well-established dentist in Illinois, Dr. Gregory Neu offers advanced dental care for all his patients. In addition to treatments, training on these high-tech procedures is being offered to physicians. Besides LANAP, the advancements include porcelain veneers, Lumineers, and Invisalign.
A1985 grad student of Loyola University School of Dentistry, Dr. Gregory Neu is a part of the American Dental Association and the Chicago Dental Society and Illinois State Dental Society. Furthermore, he has been honored with fellowship from the Institute of Advanced Laser Dentistry.