Nov 29 2010
Provider of telecommunication services, Portugal Telecom (PT) demonstrated a 100 Gbps fiber-optic connection between the cities of Lisbon and Oporto.
The company exhibited an end-to-end IP/optical 100 G connectivity across an active dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) link that covered more than 400 km. It used optical routing, switching, and transmission IP/MPLS devices for the demonstration.
Strengthening of the network capacity offers PT with the capability to enhance bandwidth for addressing the increasing demand for multimedia and video, with high-quality experience across mobile devices, PC, and TV. It also simultaneously offers access to the latest cloud services over the present triple play network.
PT recently announced that it would cover an additional 600,000 houses, in addition to more than one million homes that are being serviced by the network. Expansion of the network will utilize nearly 300,000 km of fiber and will involve nearly 1500 people between external suppliers and PT collaborators. PT's fiber-optic network, when completed, will reach more than 50% Portuguese houses.
The Chief Technology Officer of Portugal Telecom, Alfredo Baptista stated that the completed integrated IP/optical 100G connection, along with the fiber access network with 10GPON and GPON technologies, is a step closer towards the Next Generation Network with high speeds and high-quality standards.