Oct 25 2010
LaserLinc announced that it has rolled out a new three-axis laser scan micrometer. The Triton331 micrometer has a 30-mm measurement window, and has the ability to make 12,000 measurements every second.
The enhanced scan rate allows identification of shorter-length errors and precise measurement of hexagonal product shapes, which sustain oscillation. The device is also used for measuring non-constant diameter products.
Triton331 Laser Micrometer
The measurement rate of the instrument is 4800 per sec. The measurement range of the Triton331 laser scan micrometer ranges from 0.25 mm to 30 mm. The maximum measurement size possible is 30 mm. The two-second repeatability of the device is ±0.25 µm, with single-scan repeatability of ±0.0508 mm. Triton331 weighs 10 kg, measures 335 × 409 × 51 mm, and has a resolution of 0.25 µm.
The Triton331 laser micrometer is ideal for LaserLinc’s Lobex system that is used for in-process lobing measurement on ground products that include centerless ground wire. It connects through the TLaser400 interface card to a computer operating the Total Vu software.