Oct 22 2010
TOPTICA has offered its new ultrafast fiber laser, the TOPTICA FemtoFiber pro ultra compressed pulse (UCP).
The fiber laser provides pulse durations below 25 fs. The laser system is ideal for fs-spectroscopy, pump-probe experiments, and biophotonics.
The FemtoFiber pro UCP offers an output power of above 30 mW, and supercontinuum in the range of 980 - 1400 nm. The laser device is based on a core-pumped fiber amplifier and the saturable absorber mirror (SAM) mode-locking technology. The all-fiber master oscillator power amplifier platform is based on the polarization-maintaining fibers. The SAM technology enables stable mode-locking and self-starting, under all lab conditions.
The TOPTICA FemtoFiber pro UCP comprises two motorized prism compressors. One of the motorized prism compressors optimizes the pulse duration, while the other optimizes the supercontinuum produced by a nonlinear fiber. As a result, pulse durations below 13 fs can be obtained. The standard repetition rate of the laser is 80 MHz, however, a repetition rate of 40 MHz is also available.