Sep 30 2010
The Police of Western Bay of Plenty have included a new Stalker Laser Gun to their speed fighting armory. The Stalker Laser Gun detects speeding cars that are over 1200 m away, and transmits data to a display screen.
The new laser gun being used on 15th Avenue, near Turret Road
The Police have two advanced laser guns, which are the same devices deployed by the police in the United States. The laser gun transmits more than100 light pulses in a second on incoming cars and then rebounds. In addition, the gun detects the speed of automobiles moving in the opposite direction.
SunLive conducted a speed check along with the police in Turret Road’s 15th Avenue and measured the efficiency of the gun. The device easily detected speeding vehicles to give an accurate speed and the distance of the detected vehicle. Police fined four motorists for traveling at speeds of above 65km/h in a 50km/h area, in 30 min.
The Western Bay of Plenty highway patrol’s Sergeant Lester Polglase stated that the Stalker laser gun accurately and easily detects a speeding vehicle as compared to the previous guns. He continued that the majority of officers are pleased with the new laser gun. Both the laser guns have to be utilized on a regular basis in the region, Lester said.