Sep 16 2010
Calmar Laser has launched the new Mendocino 780 nm femtosecond fiber laser (FPL-02R or FPL-03R), which is suitable for biophotonics, terahertz radiation, materials characterization, multiphoton imaging microscopy, and optical metrology applications.
The Mendocino benchtop fiber laser offers a wavelength range of 765 - 780 nm to select from. It also features a low pulse width of 0.1 ps, with a minimal pulse pedestal and transform-limited pulse shape.
The repetition rate of the fiber laser can be set in the range of 10 - 50 MHz. An RF synchronization output is offered as a trigger signal, and both fiber-coupled and free-space outputs are available for end users. The Mendocino fiber laser delivers good turnkey operation, reliability and stability, based on the C-band laser.
The FPL laser has a portable design, and it provides front panel control knobs for easy output power adjustment. The laser offers pulse energy as high as 1 nJ, and a peak power of 10 kW, with pulse width of 0.1 ps and a maximum output power of 50 mW.