Sep 10 2010
The Quincy City Council has announced the approval of a new fiber-optic pilot program. Under the program, a fiber-optic cable will be laid in the municipal sewer lines. The cable will be deployed along the South 46th Street.
i3 America, a UK-based company, will install the fiber-optic cable, measuring 1,300 ft in the city’s sewer lines. i3 would install a citywide cable network, if the test proves to be successful.
The fiber-optic pilot project will not link to any businesses or households. i3 will employ workers from the UK to lay the cable. The optical cable will be installed at the bottom of the sewers and will be fixed securely with mats. The city will control the traffic during the time of installation.
i3 has recently installed a citywide optical network in Scotland for 68,000 businesses and households. The installed cable lines would provide 100 Mbp/s, which is 10 times faster than a standard cable connection. Furthermore, the speed could also be increased to 1Gbp/s. If the company plans to install a citywide cable network, then the lines will be delivered to businesses and homes without any cost. Service providers will be able to provide both internet and cable services.