Aug 21 2010
ALE (American Laser Enterprises) has unveiled the world’s first automated laser alignment equipment. The A-Las laser alignment system aligns complicated laser beam delivery systems in various manufacturing processes.
The A-Las laser alignment system was developed for the U.S. Air Force by ALE engineers, Keith Jefferies and Don Sprentall. The system offers comprehensive automated solutions for challenging laser-beam delivery configurations. Unlike the traditional alignment methods, the A-Las enable users to perform the alignment in very less time.
The laser alignment system offers decreased replacement component inventory and maintenance costs, longer lifespan of delicate optical components, high machine productivity, and no schedule delays. The A-Las increases the machine uptime by removing the need for trial-and-error troubleshooting, while allowing one person to diagnose and correct many machines. When compared to the traditional laser alignment procedures, the A-Las system minimizes training costs to a maximum of 90%.
ALE’s owner, Susan Land Sprentall stated that the laser alignment system would transform the laser beam delivery market.