Jul 28 2010
LED light source manufacturer, Prizmatix, has launched a new Ultra High Power Blue LED, which is a suitable replacement for lamps and lasers used in machine vision, chemical reaction activation and fluorescence microscopy applications.
The LED head offers above 400 mW CW output power, and the LED driver supports pulsed or CW operation.
The fiber coupled LED source is speckle free and ideal for fluorescence excitation. It supports TTL external modulation and Reciprocal SMA, ST or FC fiber connection. The optional band pass filter present in the LED head can narrow down the LED spectrum.
The LED light source has a rigid and compact design and supports a TTL external trigger input. The wavelength range of the LED source is ±5 nm.
The reciprocal fiber characteristics limit the UHP LED power output, and a lower NA and smaller core will minimize the LED’s power output. The blue LED is suitable for a number of applications such as FRAP (Fluorescence recovery after photo bleach), photo activation (PA), component testing, bio analysis and fluorescence spectroscopy.