Silicann Technologies was founded in 1999 by Dr. Frank Stuepmann. In the year 2000 Dr. Stuepmann became managing director. The company developed to a specialist in IC-designs, machine-level industrial projects and in color sensors. In these areas Silicann Technologies is well established in the market today. Our customers are well-known companies from all over the world.
We specialize in signal processing. In this field, our primary focus is sensor technology. We have extensive research, analysis and processing facilities to find the best solutions for the tasks we are presented with. Our intelligent products and services make us the partner of choice for many companies.
Our most efficient signal processing methods are based on our knowledge of signal processing activities that take place in the central nervous systems of intelligent life forms - for example, in the human brain. The founding idea of the company is based on implementing similar structures in integrated circuits. That's also what we mean when we claim that our work is "Inspired by Intelligence".
Our range of powerful circuit design services, machine-level industrial projects and color sensors enables our business partners to better meet the requirements of their customers - quickly, transparently and innovatively. Our products and our technological expertise provide our customers with a significant competitive advantage.
The wishes, demands and the business success of our customers are at the center of all our company activities. Our personal commitment is ensuring this success. We always do a little bit more as expected by our customers. Our cooperative activities are based on partnership and mutual trust. And we work hard for that trust - anew with every order.
Our employees strive to be the best in their field. They represent our most important asset. Our employees dedicate their personal energy, competence and creativity to the fulfillment of the company vision. We systematically foster and train our employees with a clear focus on the requirements of our customers.
Our business activities are oriented toward high and sustainable company growth. We work together with strong financial partners and aim for an above-average return on investment.