Piezo-Metrics, also operating as Micron Instruments, has been supplying high-quality semiconductor strain gages, pressure transducers and temperature sensors for over four decades. Our standard semiconductor strain gages are made from “P” doped bulk silicon and have no P/N junction with the silicon etched to shape. This rigorous process eliminates potential molecular dislocation or cracks and optimizes our strain gage’s performance under all types of demanding situations and environments. Piezo-Metrics’ strain gages have been used in the manufacture of many different types of sensors such as load cells, torque meters, pressure transducers, accelerometers, and precision extensometers.
We also provide professional installation of strain gages on customer products along with the option of temperature compensation and calibration. Our staff of experienced engineers are experts at designing custom sensors and special strain gages to meet your unique needs.
Piezo-Metric’s standard line of pressure transducers have corrosive-resistant Titanium diaphragms and are available in a wide assortment of pressure ranges. Typical applications are for OEM, process control, and liquid level measurement. In addition to our standard line of Titanium transducers, Piezo-Metrics has experience in providing sensors made of 17-4PH CRES, 316SS, Inconel, Tantalum, Aluminum, Beryllium Copper, Invar Plastics, and others.
Dual pressure/temperature transducers, pressure transmitters with 4-20 mA outputs, and dual pressure/temperature transmitters are available in all of the physical configurations of our standard pressure transducers. The dual sensors incorporate silicon temperature sensors manufactured by Piezo-Metrics, which are more accurate and easier to use than thermistors. These temperature sensors can produce a 100 mV change with 5 VDC excitation between 30°F and 130°F. Our Smart Electronics provide a 0-5v, 0-10v, or 4-20 mA. signal from an unregulated source. It provides a field re-calibration option (16 to 35 VDC) and other interesting advantages.
Our customers are the most important people in the world to us and the Piezo-Metrics team is standing by to assist you with your application. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need any assistance. We look forward to serving you today!