STEMMER IMAGING will exhibit an extensive range of vision systems at the PPMA Show. System capabilities will enable product and packaging inspection, application in code and label reading and verification and for three-dimensional measurement of product volume to optimize packing and eliminate packaging waste.
Demonstrations at the show will include the following:
- STEMMER IMAGING’s broad portfolio of smart cameras such as BOA, BOA Pro
- Teledyne DALSA’s BOA IDR cameras
- LMI Technologies’ Gocator 3D camera
These cameras do not require any additional PC.
The entry level BOA smart camera has been equipped with iNspect Express, which is an extensive array of click and apply inspection, measurement and positioning tools that are ideal for application in industrial inspection tasks. With powerful Sherlock software on board, the BOA Pro ensures improved versatility. BOA can be effectively used for extensive product and packaging inspections that support packaging integrity and product quality.
BOA and BOA Pro have 1D and 2D code reading and verification capabilities being incorporated in them. BOA IDR is a code-reading version of BOA, through which producers can integrate 1D and 2D tracking with other inspection tasks including feature verification and character reading (OCR) to precisely check for the product markings while exiting the factory floor.
Gocator 3D can be effectively used for new inspection applications as it is capable of measuring product volume and other 3D components including surface flatness and groove measurements. Contents of cartons and containers can be optimized through product volume measurements. Groove measurement promotes the performance of products. Surface flatness measurement can be used for web-based applications including paper or plastic film production.