Jan 10 2008
AT&T Inc. today announced a new optical networking services contract with the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD), which serves approximately 25,000 students across southern Wisconsin. Under the terms of the five-year contract, AT&T will deliver AT&T OPT-E-MAN(R) service to more than 40 schools throughout the district.
With AT&T OPT-E-MAN, administrators, teachers and students can quickly and securely access an advanced data network that enhances and optimizes data traffic. The converged network infrastructure allows MMSD to more quickly and reliably obtain critical information. Faculty members will experience an increase in connectivity, helping with automated attendance and with reporting grades. Students will see better access to the Internet.
"AT&T upgraded seven of our administration and high school locations two years ago -- with great success," said Mark Evans, director of Technical Services, MMSD. "As a result, when we planned to complete the network improvements, we immediately looked again to AT&T. We are confident that AT&T's networking solution will enhance our network traffic and capabilities and enable our staff to focus on the educational growth and achievement of our students."
AT&T OPT-E-MAN solution provides a flexible fiber-optic, point-to-multipoint Ethernet service that connects multiple local area networks (LANs) within a regional area. For MMSD, all district schools can now access this high speed network, which allows them to rapidly transmit and receive information.