TOPTICA Photonics has launched a new, advanced feedback controlyzer called the DigiLock 110. The DigiLock 110 is a component of the SYS DC diode laser driving equipment and can be utilized to computer-control and assess the laser. The software can enable a single computer to control over four systems.
The DigiLock can control scan and laser frequencies and features multi-channel oscilloscope functionality, click and lock, two integrated PIDs, auto-lock and relock, simulation of network analysis and controller parameters, a Pound-Drever-Hall stabilization and a lock-in regulator. The Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) hardware enables the DigiLock to be quick and flexible in its operation.
The DigiLock includes various outputs and inputs to suit the user’s requirements, and has a low total delay time and a higher digital locking bandwidth. The module can be integrated into a range of complex experiments, and can be used to adjust a number of laser parameters namely laser temperature, scan offset and current.