New Research Report Analyzes Status of Chinese Solar Industry

Reportlinker announced that it has added a new market research report on the solar photovoltaic industry in China. The report covers trends of the industry, main players and forecasts on the industry developments.

To build a photovoltaic industry base that is globally oriented, China has relied on the local government funding, returning of students from foreign countries with good professional networks, and capital investments from worldwide financial markets. Earlier, the country had relied on foreign investments to develop an industry.

The role of China in the global midstream solar module and cell industries is increasing. However, the midstream crystal silicon PV solar cell market is challenged by the thin-film solar cell industry. The new research report studies the past and present developments of the PV industry in China. The report especially focuses on the thin-film solar cell manufacturers, and first/second tier crystal silicon solar module and cell manufacturers.

The market study also explores the major trends of the Chinese solar industry and provides details on the production plans of leading solar companies. Some of the topics in the report include historical development of the industry, status of market segments, overall status of the industry, and present scope of the industry.

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