PHOTON Consulting's Report Urges Solar Companies to Explore End-Markets Outside Germany

In the midst of discussions surrounding significant revisions to Germany's solar power feed-in tariff (EEG), PHOTON Consulting, the global leader in solar energy research and analysis, has released its latest PV market demand report, Solar Power Markets: Prepare for Impact, emphasizing the need for solar companies to aggressively explore end-markets outside of Germany.

Since mid-2009, PHOTON Consulting's team of analysts anticipated major revisions to Germany's EEG, which resulted in the firm's decision to begin preparing the 436-page report. "The changes to the EEG currently being discussed are just a first move toward a German PV market that is much more constrained," said Michael Rogol, a leading global PV analyst and CEO of Boston-based PHOTON Consulting. "The implication for solar power companies is clear: You must diversify away from Germany."

This message serves as the core of PHOTON's latest downstream market demand report, Solar Power Markets: Prepare for Impact, which forecasts the German PV market turn-off by 2013. Prepare for Impact is the definitive guide to the current state and outlook of PV installation demand for 13 key emerging and existing global markets. Each end-market is highlighted in a 30-page profile that includes critical market-specific data and analysis on price and volume trends, project economics, policy details, key market participants and regulatory requirements.

"In order to survive the saturation of a major market like Germany, solar companies at every step of the supply chain must build sales channels to a dozen end-markets, not overly rely on just the German market," said Rogol.

If significant German policy changes are made to the EEG, PHOTON Consulting will be hosting a webinar to discuss the impact of those changes on price and volume in the PV sector. Cost of the webinar will be $950 per person. Access to the webinar will be free to customers who have purchased Solar Power Markets: Prepare for Impact.

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