Newport, manufacturer of laser solutions, has unveiled a new product in the SmartTable OTS optical table system series. The OTSE Integrated Overhead Shelf links directly to the SmartTable-OTS frame.
This allows the system to offer better accessibility to the table, have a rigid design, and a smaller footprint than other shelf systems.
The OTSE overhead shelf has a load capacity of 300 lb and a 23.5” deep surface to offer adequate room and stability for large devices. It also has a blank front panel for utilization in applications, which can be susceptible to electrical fields.
The OTSE, for optimal access, can be mounted in three different locations along the frame’s depth. It features 5.5” of assembly height alteration to enhance the user accessibility. This offers clearance for tall devices such as microscopes and enables convenient access to regularly used devices.
Users have the choice of attaching the power supply strips to the front panel or the under-shelf t-slots. The t-slots can house homemade accessories, as well as hanging shelves. The OTSE integrated shelves and the SmartTable OTS come in ten, eight, and six foot widths.