Individual spectral ‘fingerprints’ of materials can be obtained using Raman Spectroscopy. The technique is widely used in the pharmaceutical, chemistry, and medical fields, to provide information which allows molecules to be detected.
To provide Avantes customers with optimal performance for a reasonable price, the company has partnered with two other companies to offer three different Raman Bundles, an exceptional software package to test the Raman spectra, and a unique Laser-Probe combination (785 nm) to supply enhanced signals.
Type of Measurements
Raman methods are used for several different materials. The Avantes bundles are excellent for studying liquids and powders. When strong signals are present (alcohol-based liquids, aromatic compounds), in general Ava-Raman-A is ideal for performing measurements.
When weak Raman signals occur (integration time longer than five seconds), using the thermo-electric-cooled (TEC) spectrometer is advised. This is included in the Ava-Raman-B bundle. If very weak signals are present possibly together with fluorescence background, Ava-Raman-C is advised for use (higher quantum efficiency in NIR and improved signal to noise performance).
Download the Brochure for More Information
- Semiconductors
- Gemology and mineralogy
- Raw materials identification
- Pharmaceuticals and medical diagnostics
What is in Each Bundle?
The AvaLaser785 includes 785 nm laser safety goggles. It is provided with an ultra-high throughput integrated Raman probe. This unique device comprises of an integrated wavelength stabilized laser source using Raman filter packs, high efficiency Raman spectra collection optics, and beam shaping optics.
AvaSoft-Raman: standard standalone software to obtain spectra
Panorama-Light: Panorama Light is a modular, high-end software platform for spectroscopic data assessment. The application meets all requirements for a full spectroscopy working environment, offering:
- Searching in libraries
- Measurement with an instrument
- Printing with professional print templates
- 3D and 2D data visualization
- Conversion of several known data formats
- Archiving in spectral libraries, including extra information
- Sharing data with office applications Panorama Light is engineered to absolutely assist customers and to keep them focused on their daily work
Avantes offers high-tech spectrometers based on the Avantes Star- and SensLine spectrometers, customized for optimal performance in the Raman range of interest.