The McPherson Inc. Model 209 Czerny-Turner Monochromator is suited to High-Resolution Spectroscopy applications
- Exceptional Spectral Resolution
- Patented "Snap-In" gratings
- Imaging Optics & Large focal plane
- Rugged Construction with Multiple slit locations
- Extended wavelength range setting
- Optional equipment includes Model 608 prism predisperser, oversize Echelle gratings, and Double Resolution / Double Pass optics
McPherson, Inc. Research Grade Czerny-Turner Monochromators are available in many different focal lengths and with many different options. Chances are good that we have one just right for your application. Models ranging from 0.67-m to 2-meter focal lengths share a wealth of features.
Used in air the spectral range of these instruments extends from 185-nm to 78-µm, and with vacuum down to 105-nm (depends on the grating.) For intermediate ranges, a purge gas can be used (Nitrogen, for example.) McPherson SNAP IN gratings allows the alignment-free use of many different gratings. Easily view a wider spectral range or obtain higher resolution! You can retrofit years later and not have to worry about alignment with the McPherson SNAP IN approach. Our dual grating turret also accepts these easy to exchange gratings.
McPherson optics are Aluminum coated with a top layer of Magnesium Fluoride. This coating provides an extremely good response in a broad spectral range. If required by your application other coatings (Gold, Silver, Aluminum, etc.) can be provided.
Well equipped, these instruments feature multiple entrances and exit ports, high precision wavelength drives, extended-range operation, Echelle, and oversize grating mounting capabilities. Optional features include grating turrets, imaging optics, multi-source, and multi-detector turrets further increasing versatility. See the features sheet to learn more.