Omega has mastered the ability to coat fiber tips. Nearly any filter can be applied to the tip of a fiber optic (anti-reflection, bandpass shortpass, longpass, etc) as long as the total thickness of the thin-film stack remains less than about 7 microns. The R&D department has perfected an in-fiber monitoring system and fixturing to enable this technology.
The tips can be bare, lensed, tapered, or connectorized. Both multimode and single fiber can be coated; however, the angular distribution in multimode fiber should be considered with regard to the distributions of AOI at the coatings. These coatings are strong and enable a coated tip to be linked to an uncoated tip.
Omega Optical coats the fiber that is placed on customized jigs. These jigs can be used with a variety of connectors such as SC, ST, FC, etc.
- Fiber interferometers
- Fiber lasers
- Fiber-based flow cytometry
- Fiber Raman probes
- Laser eye surgery
- Laser coupling