The new F-131 Modular XYZ Photonic Alignment System from Physik Instrumente (PI) is an excellent foundation for developing, studying and pursuing manufacturing and testing of photonic components. It integrates a reconfigurable stack of three precision, closed-loop DC motor stages with 15mm travel range plus a closed-loop XYZ Nanocube piezo flexure stage capable of high speed and 2nm resolutions.
The F-131 is equipped with all-digital controls providing integrated commands for fast and low-vibration scanning; additionally there is a built-in data recorder for mapping, optimization and characterization of devices and couplings.
High-speed Ethernet and USB interfaces, a high resolution analog input for optical metrology, and a wealth of software libraries for rapid application development help ensure rapid productivity and flexibility in usage.
The powerful PIMikroMove graphical utility is provided for easy interactive control and visualization of the alignment process right out of the box, and programming examples in NI LabVIEW, Python, MATLAB and other popular programming environments are provided. Cross-platform support including Windows, macOS and Linux is amply documented for efficient development. The optional C-990.FA1 software provides fully automatic alignment of light-transmitting components.
An optional F-712.PM1 optical power meter provides high-bandwidth, broad-dynamic range optical metrology over a broad spectral range.