Gastroenterologists from the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona have successfully carried out the full-thickness resection of a colonic polyp without using laparoscopic tools. This is the world’s first incision-less, full-thickness resection of a colonic polyp.
Sergey V. Kanstevoy and José-Ramón Armengol Miró used an endoscopic suturing system called the OverStitch, which has been developed by Apollo Endosurgery as part of their new range of highly flexible surgical instruments.
Vall d'Hebron University Hospital’s Chief of Digestive Endoscopy, Prof. Armengol Miró said that colon polyps that are small in size can be resected by experienced endoscopists as part of a colonoscopy, but resection of large polyps require invasive surgery to close the wound. He also added that a minimally invasive tool for suturing was not available till the launch of OverStitch by Apollo and this suturing tool is a breakthrough that will enable gastroenterological procedures to be performed with minimal intervention.
Medical Director and Chief of the Division of Gastroenterology at the Institute for Digestive Health & Liver Disease at Mercy Hospital, Dr. Kanstevoy along with Prof. Miró resected the polyp first and then sutured the 3x6 cm wide wound using the OverStitch tool and a colonoscope. The suturing was successful as the repair was airtight and enabled the colon’s distension back to its original diameter.
Dr. Kanstevoy stated that candidates who are not fit for invasive surgical procedures could benefit from using the OverStitch system. He also said that patients can be discharged in four days of performing the procedure, they did not have abdominal pain, and bowel movements were normal after the procedure.