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Bruker Launches Optical Metrology System with 3D Optical Profiling Technology

Provider of high-performance scientific devices, Bruker has unveiled a new 3D optical surface metrology solution that offers surface texture measurements and quantitative lead angles for controlling and decreasing fluid leakage in rotary sealing surfaces.

NPFLEX-LA Optical Metrology System

The NPFLEX-LA optical metrology solution integrates the company’s metrology capabilities with interferometry-based 3D optical profiling technology to measure the surface texture and shaft lead angle of sealing surfaces in one solution.

The NPFLEX-LA offers precise metrology, which is independent of mounting, concentricity, level and part warp inconsistencies. It also has a production user interface that allows swift setup and conveniently set pass/fail criteria to recognize and discard scratches, burrs, and nicks from a measured surface area. The company will demonstrate the solution at the SAE 2011 World Congress Expo to be held in Michigan from 12 to 14 April.

Bruker’s VP, Ross Q. Smith stated that the NPFLEX-LA module is a repeatable 3D optical surface metrology system that solves crucial precision machining industry issues. Smith added that the metrology solution would help transport industries to meet the emissions standards and international environmental regulations by manufacturing sealing surface components to required tolerance.

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